Modifications to the Draft Area Plan for the North and West

Closes 27 Mar 2025

About you

Please note that most questions on this consultation are optional, with the exception of the consent question below 'May we publish your response'.

There are multiple text boxes provided throughout the consultation, but you are not required to complete them unless you want to explain your view. Please refrain from adding personal information to these boxes. If you do enter personal data, you are providing consent for the Cabinet Office to process it. Personal data will be redacted in the event of individual responses being published on the hub.

What is your name?
What is your email address?
I am a…
Are you responding on behalf of an organisation?
May we publish your response?

Please read our Privacy Policy for more details and your rights.

More information

  • Publish in full – your first name and surname, organisation name, along with full answers will be published on the hub (your email will not be published) 
  • Publish anonymously – only your responses will be published on the hub (your name, organisation and email will not be published) 
  • Do not publish – nothing will be published publically on the hub (your response will only be part of a larger summary response document) 