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376 results

  • Public Consultation - Definition of Development Order & Registered Building Regulations

    This consultation seeks views on two pieces of draft secondary legislation which are to be made under the Town and Country Planning Act - a Definitions of Development Order and updated Registered Building Regulations. Why changes are being made Work is ongoing to reform a number of areas of planning legislation. These changes will work together to: Ensure our processes are clear, accessible and proportionate (with appropriate fees) ... More
    Closed 23 October 2024
  • Castletown Living Streets

    Highways Services, Department of Infrastructure seeks views on proposals for improving the amenity and accessibility within residential areas of Castletown, the purpose of which is to create streets and places that are easy to move around, safe and community based. More
    Opened 21 October 2024
  • Health and Care Services Bill – Overarching Policy Principals

    The Health and Care Services Bill is being developed in response to Recommendation 8 of the Sir Jonathan Michael Independent Review of Health and Care Services on the Isle of Man. The Bill intends to amalgamate and modernise the existing primary legislation which underpins health and care services, in order to support delivery of a modern, integrated and fit for purpose health and care system. The development of the Bill has been split in to five phases . This consultation relates to Phase... More
    Closed 7 October 2024
  • Climate Change (Single Use Vaping Products) Regulations

    Regulations, to be made under the Climate Change Act 2022, are proposed to control the sale, supply, and distribution of single use vaping products in the course of a business, or the activities of a charity or non-profit organisation. Under the Climate Change Plan 2022-2027 and the Single Use Plastic Reduction Plan for the Isle of Man Community, we aim to reduce unnecessary single use items, and especially the use of plastics, where alternatives are available. Litter... More
    Opened 30 September 2024
  • Isle of Man Transport Strategy: Key Principles

    The Department of Infrastructure seeks feedback on the vision, principles and aims that will underpin the new Transport Strategy for the Isle of Man. The core objective is to create an integrated and socially inclusive Strategy which meets the needs of communities, keeps people connected in work, leisure and access to services, and supports our transition to net zero. Our vision is for a transport system which supports economic and population growth, improving safety and accessibility... More
    Closed 16 September 2024
  • Commercial Property Survey

    The Cabinet Office is seeking the views of the occupiers of commercial property to build an evidence base that will inform future planning policies. The responses from this questionnaire will be confidential and no personal information is required to complete the survey. Reasonable adjustments and alternative formats The Department is committed to equal opportunities and our aim is to make our documents easy to use and accessible to all. We will take steps to... More
    Opened 16 September 2024
  • Permitted Development Review

    As part of the Built Environment Reform Programme ('BERP'), the Cabinet Office is proposing changes to some of the legislation that sets out what can be done without needing a planning application (Permitted Development Orders). This consultation seeks feedback on the draft legislation. More
    Closed 2 September 2024
  • Isle of Man Waste Strategy Principles

    The Department of Infrastructure (DOI) is consulting on the principles to be used to determine an updated Isle of Man Waste Strategy for the intended period 2025 to 2035. This consultation is seeking stakeholders' views on the proposed principles, which will then be used to develop a more detailed strategy. The aim is to develop a Waste Strategy that is reliable, economical, environmentally acceptable and sustainable for the benefit of everyone on our Island. More
    Opened 28 August 2024
  • Review of Aircraft Mortgage Legislation

    The Isle of Man Civil Aviation Administration, of which the Isle of Man Aircraft Registry is a part, maintains a Register of Aircraft Mortgages in accordance with the Mortgaging of Aircraft Order 1972 (as amended and applied to the Isle of Man) (hereon referred to as 'the Mortgaging of Aircraft Order'). Mortgagees of aircraft registered under the Mortgaging of Aircraft Order are afforded rights by the Civil Aviation (Aircraft Registration and Marking) Order 2022 that the aircraft must... More
    Closed 25 August 2024
  • Employment Status and Rights for Agency Workers

    Our Island Plan sets out a vision of a secure, vibrant and sustainable Island, with a commitment for the Department for Enterprise to deliver reforms to employment legislation, ensuring the Island is aligned with international standards and remains a competitive and attractive place to work. Though in 2017 the Equality Act made a number of significant changes to employment law in the Island in relation to discrimination, over a number of years the Isle of Man has been falling... More
    Opened 13 August 2024
  • Annual Leave and Rest Breaks

    Our Island Plan sets out a vision of a secure, vibrant and sustainable Island, with a commitment for the Department for Enterprise to deliver reforms to employment legislation, ensuring the Island is aligned with international standards and remains a competitive and attractive place to work. Though in 2017 the Equality Act made a number of significant changes to employment law in the Island in relation to discrimination, over a number of years the Isle of Man has been falling... More
    Opened 13 August 2024
  • Consultation on Employment Tribunal Qualifying Periods and Maximum Awards

    Our Island Plan sets out a vision of a secure, vibrant and sustainable Island, with a commitment for the Department for Enterprise to deliver reforms to employment legislation, ensuring the Island is aligned with international standards and remains a competitive and attractive place to work. Though in 2017 the Equality Act made a number of significant changes to employment law in the Island in relation to discrimination, over a number of years the Isle of Man has been falling behind... More
    Opened 13 August 2024
  • Review of the Minimum Wage Act 2001

    It is not the purpose of this consultation to seek views on the rate of the minimum wage. Rather this consultation seeks views on the process by which the rate of the minimum wage will be determined in the future. Our Island Plan sets out a vision of a secure, vibrant and sustainable Island, with a commitment for the Department for Enterprise to deliver reforms to employment legislation, ensuring the Island is aligned with international standards and remains a competitive and attractive... More
    Opened 13 August 2024
  • Review of the Employment Agencies Act 1975

    Our Island Plan sets out a vision of a secure, vibrant and sustainable Island, with a commitment for the Department for Enterprise to deliver reforms to employment legislation, ensuring the Island is aligned with international standards and remains a competitive and attractive place to work. The Department for Enterprise holds a commitment within this plan to review the Employment Agencies Act 1975 due to this being thought that it is out of date. Though in 2017 the Equality Act made a... More
    Opened 13 August 2024
  • Trade Union Legislation

    Our Island Plan sets out a vision of a secure, vibrant and sustainable Island, with a commitment for the Department for Enterprise to deliver reforms to employment legislation, ensuring the Island is aligned with international standards and remains a competitive and attractive place to work. Though in 2017 the Equality Act made a number of significant changes to employment law in the Island in relation to discrimination, over a number of years the Isle of Man has been falling behind... More
    Opened 13 August 2024
  • Consultation on Parental and Caring Rights

    Our Island Plan sets out a vision of a secure, vibrant and sustainable Island, with a commitment for the Department for Enterprise to deliver reforms to employment legislation, ensuring the Island is aligned with international standards and remains a competitive and attractive place to work. Though in 2017 the Equality Act made a number of significant changes to employment law in the Island in relation to discrimination, over a number of years the Isle of Man has been falling behind... More
    Opened 13 August 2024
  • Review of the Bus Service

    This consultation is part of a strategic review of the bus service provided by the Department of Infrastructure through Bus Vannin. More
    Closed 30 June 2024
  • Call for Input - Family Office type services (CI24-01)

    This Call for Input ('CfI') is issued by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority ('the Authority'), which is the regulatory and AML/CFT oversight body for financial services and designated businesses in the Isle of Man ('the Island'). The Authority is issuing this CfI through the Isle of Man Government’s Engagement Hub ('Engagement Hub') for the purpose of obtaining information on the prevalence and provision of Family Office type services being offered by way of business... More
    Closed 26 June 2024
  • Consultation on Policing in the Isle of Man

    The Department of Home Affairs is undertaking public policy consultation to help shape the policies, objectives and priorities and the means by which it is intended that they be achieved. The Department proposes to aim for the Isle of Man to continue to be the safest Island in the British Isles, for victims to be at the centre and for the three overall aims for the Constabulary to be to protect the vulnerable, reduce harm and tackle criminality. These three aims, while... More
    Closed 24 May 2024
  • CP24-03 Update to the Insurance Regulations and Insurance Special Purpose Vehicles Regulations

    The purpose of the consultation is to obtain views in relation to the Authority’s proposals to update and integrate the Insurance Regulations 2021 with simplified elements of the Insurance (Special Purpose Vehicles) Regulations 2015 and Guidance Notes for Insurance Special Purpose Vehicles into a combined single document: the Insurance Regulations 2024. The consultation also includes additional proposals relating to fast-track authorisation, regulatory sandboxing and potential... More
    Closed 17 May 2024
  • CP24-04 Update to the Insurance Solvency Framework and Insurance Fees Regulations

    Consultation CP24-04 is requesting feedback on the draft Insurance (Fees and Solvency) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 which updates: the Insurance Solvency Framework in line with developments in equivalent international frameworks (including an update to the risk margin calculation) and the Insurance (Fees) Regulations 2021 in respect of changes being made to the Island’s Insurance Special Purpose Vehicles framework in consultation paper CP24-03 More
    Closed 17 May 2024
  • Education (Amendment) Bill

    The Department is seeking the views of the public on areas that are considered appropriate for update in the proposed Education (Amendment) Bill. Who is this consultation for? Within ‘Our Island Plan’, which sets out the Island’s vision for the next 10-15 years, one of the Strategic Priorities is to provide ‘Outstanding lifelong learning and development opportunities for all’. To work towards this priority, the Department views it as essential that the... More
    Closed 10 May 2024
  • AML/CFT Framework legislation updates

    This Consultation Paper (‘the Paper’) is issued by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority (‘the Authority’) in conjunction with the Department of Home Affairs (‘DHA’) and the Isle of Man Treasury. The Authority is the regulatory body for financial services in the Isle of Man, and the oversight body for Designated Businesses (‘Designated Businesses’) in relation to compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (‘AML’) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (‘CFT’)... More
    Closed 15 April 2024
  • Travel Rule (Transfer of Virtual Assets) Code 2024

    This Consultation Paper (‘the Paper’) is issued by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority (‘the Authority’) in conjunction with the Department of Home Affairs (‘DHA’). The Authority is the regulatory body for financial services in the Isle of Man and the oversight body for Designated Businesses (‘Designated Business’) in relation to compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (‘AML’) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (‘CFT’) obligations. The... More
    Closed 15 April 2024
  • Code of Practice on Recognition of Trade Unions in the Workplace

    Codes of Practice are written in clear terms for lay people in order to provide practical guidance on specific topics. The Department for Enterprise has powers to issue codes for the purpose of improving industrial relations. One of these is the Code of Practice on Trade Union Recognition 2001. This Code sets out expectations and a process for recognition of a trade union in a workplace by an employer. Recognition is important because, though Isle of Man law places no... More
    Closed 12 April 2024
  • Regulation of Crypto-Asset Activities

    The purpose of this Discussion Paper is to seek views on the current approach to the oversight of certain crypto-asset activities for anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (‘AML/CFT’) purposes, the desirability (or not) of regulation, the potential approaches to regulation and how the cost of regulation should be funded. More
    Closed 9 April 2024
  • National Infrastructure Security Bill (NISB) – Public Consultation

    Isle of Man residents should have confidence in the security and resilience of national infrastructure sectors to deliver essential goods and services. Essential services – such as our electricity grid, water supply and telecommunication systems should be able to withstand and recover from hazards that might disrupt their functions. Unfortunately, hostile entities and criminals have recognised that this dependency creates an opportunity for what have become known as... More
    Closed 25 March 2024
  • Introduction of new fisheries spatial management measures in the Western Irish Sea Mud-belt

    The Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture (‘the Department’) is seeking views from relevant stakeholders on the introduction of new spatial management measures in parts of the Island’s territorial sea known as the Western Irish Sea Mud-Belt (‘WISMB’). The consultation is directed primarily towards commercial fisheries stakeholders as the proposed measures will directly impact the conditions of the Isle of Man sea fishing licence; however, views from other stakeholders... More
    Closed 18 March 2024
  • Whistleblowing to Prescribed Persons

    The Department for Enterprise introduced the Employment (Amendment) Bill to the House of Keys in June 2023. Among other things, the Bill includes measures to improve the legislative framework around whistleblowing. Alongside these changes the Department has committed to reviewing the list of those referred to as 'prescribed persons' in the whistleblowing legislation. Prescribed persons are persons (or bodies) to whom a worker can make a whistleblowing disclosure, in... More
    Closed 1 March 2024
  • Climate Change (Infrastructure Planning) (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Application) Order 2023

    This consultation exercise is to provide an opportunity for comment on the proposed application of the Infrastructure ( Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (of Parliament) under the provisions of the Climate Change Act 2021, section 31. Consultation is required under Section 35. More
    Closed 16 February 2024
376 results. Page 1 of 13