Modifications to the Draft Area Plan for the North and West

Closes 27 Mar 2025

Paper 7: PIP 1 Schedule of Changes

Paper 7, shown below, is an extract of PIP 1: Schedule of Changes (originally published in July 2024 ahead of the Public Inquiry). Paper 7 shows the minor changes proposed to the Draft Area Plan for the North and West which are still supported by Cabinet Office as part of the broader set of Modifications.

These changes may relate to the minor correction of an error in the Written Statement or map set, but ultimately do not impact the Plan’s general conformity with Strategic Policy.

Minor changes are set out below by chapter/map.Respondents wishing to make a representation on any of the minor changes listed in Paper 7 have the opportunity to do so below.

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Where minor changes relate to the Written Statement, their effects are shown illustratively in Paper 4: Post – Inquiry Written Statement.

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Where minor changes relate to the map set, their effects are shown below in Paper 5: Maps.

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Map 4 - Ramsey

Proposed Change Number 59

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 243385 495083

Proposed Change: Inclusion of Mountain View Innovation Centre as employment land, Jurby Road, Ramsey

Reason: To reflect the existing use of the site which provides employment uses, specifically office space

Proposed Change Number 60

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 244540 495453

Proposed Change: Change from Open Space to Residential, 'Ballachrink Beg', Grove Mount, Ramsey

Reason: To reflect the existing use as garden

Proposed Change Number 61

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 244888 496019

Proposed Change: Amendment of boundary of Public Open Space, Royal Park, Ramsey

Reason: To reflect the existing use and approved planning application 21/01465/B

Proposed Change Number 62

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 244231 495694

Proposed Change: Change from Open Space to Residential, 'Thornhill Manor', Ramsey

Reason: To reflect the existing use as lawn and private tennis court

Proposed Change Number 63

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 243680 495087

Proposed Change: Inclusion of a potential Active Travel Route between Gardeners Lane and Mountain View Innovation Centre, Ramsey

Reason: To create the opportunity for better connectivity between Ramsey and the Mountain View Innovation Centre as well as the proposed sports pitch off Lezayre Road, Ramsey (LO001)

Proposed Change Number 64

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 243817 494822

Proposed Change: Change from Open Space to Residential, Auldyn Way, Ramsey

Reason: To reflect the existing use and approved planning application 20/01367/B

Proposed Change Number 65

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 244179 494327

Proposed Change: Change from Predominantly Residential use to Civic, Cultural or Other Uses, Ramsey Grammar School, Lezayre Road, Ramsey

Reason: To reflect the existing use of the site as part of the School playing field

Proposed Change Number 66

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 244584 493600

Proposed Change: Change from 'white land' to residential and amendment of settlement boundary, 'Claughbane Lodge', Ramsey

Reason: To reflect the existing residential use and for consistency between this Area Plan and the approach taken in the Area Plan for the East

Proposed Change Number 67

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 245166 493705

Proposed Change: Change from Residential to Open Space, land at Killeba Mount, Ramsey

Reason: To reflect the existing use of the site as Open Space and to acknowledge the archaeological potential of the site

Proposed Change Number 68

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 245378 493660

Proposed Change: Change from Open Space to Residential, land adjacent to 'Maughold Lodge', The Crescent East, Ramsey

Reason: To reflect existing use as Residential and approved planning application 15/01055/A

Proposed Change Number 69

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 244592 494765

Proposed Change: Change from Open Space to Residential, 'River House', Riverside, Ramsey

Reason: To reflect the existing use as a garden

Proposed Change Number 70

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 244643 494835

Proposed Change: Change from Open Space to Residential, 27 Bowring Road, Ramsey

Reason: To reflect the existing use as a garden

Proposed Change Number 71

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 244577 494900

Proposed Change: Change from Open Space to Residential, 'Waters Meet', Westfield Drive, Ramsey

Reason: To reflect the existing use as a garden

Proposed Change Number 72

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 244706 494308

Proposed Change: Change from Open Space to Residential, land adjoining Fairfield Avenue, Ramsey

Reason: To reflect the existing residential use

Proposed Change Number 73

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 244562 494105

Proposed Change: Change from Open Space to Residential, plot adjacent to 'Manor House', Fairfield Avenue, Ramsey

Reason: To reflect approved planning application 23/00465/B

Map 5 - Ramsey Town Centre

Proposed Change Number 74

Proposed Change: Rename 'Parliament Street East' to 'Ramsey High Street East'

Reason: To be consistent with the written statement

Proposed Change Number 75

Proposed Change: Rename 'Parliament Street West' to 'Ramsey High Street West'

Reason: To be consistent with the written statement

Proposed Change Number 76

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 245358 494294

Proposed Change: Erroneous Town Centre border at St Pauls Square Carpark removed

Reason: To be consisted with other car parks in Ramsey

Proposed Change Number 77

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 244621 494636

Proposed Change: Transition Zone extended at Riverside

Reason: To cover all the Area of the CTA in to the Transitional Zone

Proposed Change Number 78

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 244602 494668

Proposed Change: Remove erroneous residential boundary at Riverside

Reason: Not suitable as a residential area

Proposed Change Number 79

Proposed Change: Transitional Zone boundary appearance modified

Reason: To make it more distinct from the Town Centre Boundary

Proposed Change Number 80

Proposed Change: Carparks labels changed to CP

Reason: For consistency with the rest of the map set

Map 6 - Peel

Proposed Change Number 81

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 224723 484043

Proposed Change: Annotation over Peel Police Station changed from 'PC' to 'PS'

Reason: To reflect the correct spelling of 'Police Station'

Proposed Change Number 82

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 224343 484256

Proposed Change: Removal of red dot at the corner of the car park to the rear of the sewage pumping station

Reason: Correction of error

Proposed Change Number 83

Proposed Change: Annotation of all car parks in the Town Centre and Transition Zone changed from 'car park' to 'CP'

Reason: For consistency with the rest of the map set

Proposed Change Number 84

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 224138 484378

Proposed Change: Change Fenella Beach car park from Civic, Cultural other use to 'Car Park'

Reason: For consistency with the rest of the map set

Proposed Change Number 85

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 224254 484363

Proposed Change: Amendment of Town Centre Boundary to match the Existing Settlement Boundary at Spit Corner

Reason: Correction of error

Proposed Change Number 86

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 225137 483987

Proposed Change: Addition of 'Pool' annotation over the Western Swimming Pool

Reason: For consistency with the rest of the map set

Proposed Change Number 87

Proposed Change: Transitional Zone boundary appearance modified

Reason: To make it more distinct from the Town Centre Boundary

Proposed Change Number 88

Proposed Change: Appearance of town centre green space amended to mirror that of open space

Reason: For consistency of approach whilst still reflecting the green spaces to which some of the Town Centre Proposals in the Written Statement make reference to

Proposed Change Number 89

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 224192 483504

Proposed Change: Removal of site code 'PE002'

Reason: The site is not proposed for employment use

Map 8 - Andreas

Proposed Change Number 90

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 241451 499729

Proposed Change: AR019 proposed for residential development, Bride Road, Andreas

Reason: The site comprises a former plant nursery (now disused) and is enclosed by development (existing or proposed) on all sides

Proposed Change Number 91

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 241524 499851

Proposed Change: Field 121381 (AR011) recognised as predominantly residential, Bride Road, Andreas

Reason: Approved planning application 00/00196/B is considered unlikely to be completed during the plan period but otherwise, the site is enclosed on all sides by residential development, existing or proposed

Proposed Change Number 92

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 242233 499767

Proposed Change: Addition of site code AE001

Reason: For consistency with the rest of the map set

Map 9 - Jurby

Proposed Change Number 93

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 236922 499207

Proposed Change: JR009 recognised as Predominantly Residential, land at Ballagarraghyn, Jurby

Reason: To reflect the approved planning application 22/01133/B

Proposed Change Number 94

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 236009 499185

Proposed Change: Change from Open Space to Residential, lawn of 'Palm Court', Jurby

Reason: To reflect the residential curtilage of the dwelling and the use as garden

Proposed Change Number 95

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 236239 499032

Proposed Change: Addition of Service Reservoir, Former Parade Ground, Jurby

Reason: To reflect approved application planning application 23/00988/B

Map 10 - Kirk Michael

Proposed Change Number 96

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 232154 491389

Proposed Change: Change from 'white land' to employment land, Pennybridge Stables, Main Road, Kirk Michael

Reason: To reflect approved planning application 21/00644/B

Proposed Change Number 97

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 231649 490658

Proposed Change: Car park changed from Civic, Cultural or other use to ' car park' - change reflected in the legend

Reason: For consistency with the rest of the map set

Map 11 - St Johns

Proposed Change Number 98

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 228159 482372, 227969 481849, 227690 481828, 227817 481614

Proposed Change: Car parks in St Johns changed from Civic, Cultural or other use to ' car park' - change reflected in the legend

Reason: For consistency with the rest of the map set

Map 16 - Glen Mona

Proposed Change Number 99

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 245362 488795

Proposed Change: Enclosure of Glebe Field within the Existing Settlement Boundary, Glebe Field, Main Road, Glen Mona

Reason: So that the Glebe field is recognised as an important area of Open Space within the Village and for consistency with this Area Plan and the approach taken in the Area Plan for the East

Proposed Change Number 100

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 245336 488693

Proposed Change: Change from 'white land' to Open Space (for no particular purpose), path and woodland adjacent to 'Glen Mona House', Glen Mona

Reason: For consistency with the rest of the map set

Map 14- Bride

Proposed Change Number 101

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 244967 501134

Proposed Change: Car park changed from Civic, Cultural or other use to 'car park' - change reflected in the legend

Reason: For consistency with the rest of the map set

Map 17 - Dalby

Proposed Change Number 102

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 221993 478422

Proposed Change: Addition of 'W' label over Glen Maye Methodist Church

Reason: For consistency with the rest of the map set

Map 18 - Glen Maye

Proposed Change Number 103

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 223541 479793

Proposed Change: Change label of car park adjacent to former Waterfall Hotel from 'car park' to 'CP'

Reason: For consistency with the rest of the map set

Proposed Change Number 104

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 223637 479860

Proposed Change: Addition of 'W' label over Glen Maye Methodist Church

Reason: For consistency with the rest of the map set

Written Statement - Preface

Proposed Change Number 105

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Preface

Proposed Change: Text replaced

Reason: Updated by Political Member to reflect current stage and context

Chapter 2 - The Role of the Area Plan for the North and West

Proposed Change Number 106

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 2.3.1

Proposed Change: Change 'his 'Vision',' set out in Chapter 3' to read 'this 'Vision', 'set out in Chapter 5'

Reason: To rectify mis-referenced chapter

Chapter 4 - National Strategies relevant to the North and West

Proposed Change Number 107

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 4.5.1

Proposed Change: Footnote 16 inserted

Reason: To provide a link to The Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development) (Government Owned Land) Order 2012 as referenced in the written statement

Proposed Change Number 108

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Table 6

Proposed Change: Additional reference to Ballaugh in Table 6 removed

Reason: Ballaugh was entered twice in the table

Proposed Change Number 109

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Footnote 21

Proposed Change: Reword and renumber footnote to read: 'Taken forward via applications under the 'Jurby Initiative'

Reason: To reflect planning applications which aim to implement the aims of the Jurby Study

Chapter 5 - A Spatial Vision for the North and West

Proposed Change Number 110

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 5.3.3 - Point 6

Proposed Change: Removal of 'which are seeing more regular and severe storm events as a result of climate change'

Reason: To remove unnecessary wording and to be more concise

Proposed Change Number 111

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 5.3.4 – 13 Point 2

Proposed Change: Reword point to read: 'How to maintain settlement character; including preserving or enhancing the historic built environment'

Reason: To reflect the contribution that the historic built environment can make to the character of settlements

Proposed Change Number 112

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 5.3.5 - Point 10

Proposed Change: Addition of 'inland'

Reason: To clarify which bodies of water the Paragraph is making reference to

Proposed Change Number 113

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 5.5 - Spatial Vision

Proposed Change: Removal of 'and the major employment area of Jurby'

Reason: So as to not conflate the previously developed land at Jurby alluded to in the third paragraph of the Spatial Vision, with the service centres of Ramsey and Peel

Chapter 7 - The Natural Environment

Proposed Change Number 114

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Landscape Proposal 7

Proposed Change: Removal of 'wooded' and removal of 'Sulby River' and replacement with 'Lhen Trench'

Reason: The Sulby River is not situated within the Andreas and Jurby (F3) Landscape Character Area as shown on the maps associated with the Landscape Character Assessment (2008). The Lhen Trench however, is located in the Character Area

Proposed Change Number 115

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 7.2.1

Proposed Change: Removal of verbatim reference to Environment Policy 1 of the Strategic Plan

Reason: Strategic Plan policies need not be repeated in this Plan

Proposed Change Number 116

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 7.3 v.i - Plan Objective 6 and Plan Outcome 6a

Proposed Change: Removal of Plan Objective 6 and Plan Outcome 6a

Reason: Sites in the Countryside are already afforded considerable protection through the policies in the Strategic Plan

Proposed Change Number 117

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Footnote 26

Proposed Change: Removal of footnote 26

Reason: Footnote 26 no longer required after the removal of Paragraph 7.3 vi - Plan Objective 6 and Plan Outcome 6a

Proposed Change Number 118

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 7.9

Proposed Change: Removal of 'stands for the convention on wetlands of international importance' and replace with 'defined under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat'

Reason: To use the correct terminology when referring to Ramsar sites

Proposed Change Number 119

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 7.12.1

Proposed Change: Replace 'areas of ecological importance' with 'Areas of Ecological Interest'

Reason: To use the correct terminology when referring to AEI sites

Proposed Change Number 120

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Page 49

Proposed Change: Removal of Natural Environmental Recommendation 1

Reason: Natural Environment Recommendation 1 reaffirms Strategic Plan policies and implemented through proposals in this plan

Proposed Change Number 121

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 7.18

Proposed Change: Removal of section on Dark Skies

Reason: Sites in the Countryside are already afforded consideredable protection through the policies in the Strategic Plan

Proposed Change Number 122

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Pages 51 to 54

Proposed Change: Duplication of Natural Environmental Proposal 6, numbering corrected and all subsequent Natural Environment Proposals have been renumbered

Reason: In order to ensure that the Natural Environment Proposals flow in numerical order

Proposed Change Number 123

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Environment Proposal 6

Proposed Change: Removal of 'off the coast of the Plan Area'

Reason: So that the proposal need not only apply to Marine Nature Reserves off the coast of the Plan Area

Proposed Change Number 124

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 7.23.2

Proposed Change: Addition of 'on Sea Defences, Flooding and Coastal Erosion'

Reason: For consistency with the rest of the written statement and to refer to the exact title of the report

Proposed Change Number 125

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 7.24.2

Proposed Change: Noting of the Ramsey Bay Marina and rewording of the paragraph to as follows: 'In Ramsey, plans have been mooted over the years for improvements a scheme in the inner harbour area and a new marina scheme in Ramsey Bay was suggested in response to the preliminary publicity stage between the Queen’s Pier and the Ramsey breakwater. Any future schemes will be considered on their merits, taking into account the Strategic Plan and all other Proposals in this Plan.'

Reason: To acknowledge the Ramsey Bay Marina scheme put forward at the Preliminary Publicity stage of the Area Plan for the North and West

Proposed Change Number 126

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Natural Environment Proposal 9

Proposed Change: Reword proposal to read: 'Any applications relating to inner harbour development in Ramsey must demonstrate that it has taken into account the implications for silt build up and mitigate for such as part of any overall design scheme'

Reason: In light of the well documented issues with silt in relation to the Peel Marina

Chapter 8 - The Built Environment and Urban Regeneration

Proposed Change Number 127

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 8.12

Proposed Change: Removal of '(Higher)'

Reason: Lower Foxdale is not recognised as a settlement in the SpatialPolicies of the Strategic Plan and therefore the addition of 'Higher' is not required as part of this Plan

Proposed Change Number 128

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 8.12.2

Proposed Change: Addition of 'as well as mine captain's houses, mining remains and a former railway station'

Reason: To provide greater context on the types of dwellings and other buildings that contribute to the wider character of Foxdale

Proposed Change Number 129

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Built Environment Proposal 1: Urban

Proposed Change: Removal of reference to 'Shoprite'. Remove 'generally'

Reason: To remove reference to a specific business. To remove ambiguity

Proposed Change Number 130

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Built Environment Proposal 1: UrbanRegeneration - Point 6

Proposed Change: Built Environment Proposal 1: Urban Regeneration - Point 6: Addition of 'Sites PR014 and PR015'

Reason: To remove references to specific businesses and to add specificity to the Proposal by using the specific site codes

Proposed Change Number 131

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Urban Environment Recommendation 1

Proposed Change: Removal of reference to 'Manx Development Corporation' and replace with 'all key stakeholders'

Reason: To better reflect the wide range of interested parties in thedevelopment of vacant or underused sites in the North and West

Proposed Change Number 132

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 8.15.2

Proposed Change: Removal of reference to 'Shoprite'

Reason: To remove reference to a specific business

Proposed Change Number 133

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Development Brief - CTA Proposal for West Quay and Sulby River, Ramsey (Treatment Plan) - Paragraph 3

Proposed Change: Removal of 'BE Proposal 2' and replaced with 'Built Environment Proposal 2'

Reason: To be clear that the Development Brief is referring to Built Environment 2

Proposed Change Number 134

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Footnote 35

Proposed Change: Removal of Footnote 35 referring to 'Cabinet Office data to support Settlement Studies'

Reason: Footnote no longer required following removal of Table 7

Proposed Change Number 135

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 8.17.2

Proposed Change: Insert 'and a number of War Memorials protected under War Memorials Act 2016'

Reason: To acknowledge the importance war memorials play in the historic settlement character and their special protection under primary legislation

Proposed Change Number 136

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 8.18.3

Proposed Change: Removal of 'surprising'

Reason: Wording is not required

Proposed Change Number 137

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 8.18.3

Proposed Change: Remove Army and replace with RAF

Reason: Factual correction

Proposed Change Number 138

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 8.20.2

Proposed Change: Correction of date in relation to Cashtal Y n Ard and addition of 'Cronk Sumark Hillfort, Sulby, Lezayre' to the list of most notable Ancient Monuments in the North and removal of 'Maughold Church, Keeils and Crosses, Maughold' and 'Maughold Head Bronze Age Cairn' from the list of most notable Ancient Monuments in the North

Reason: To refer to the correct era Cashtal Yn Ard dates to and make correct reference to some of the most notable Ancient Monuments in the North and West of the Island

Proposed Change Number 139

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 8.20.3

Proposed Change: Removal of 'Ancient Boulder containing Rock Art'and addition of 'Peel Castle – Iconic fortress set on St Patrick’s Isle' and 'Lag ny Keeilley - one of the Island's best preserved Keeils' to the list of 'most notable Ancient Monuments in the West'

Reason: In light of feedback from Manx National Heritage who indicated that the 'Ancient Boulder containing Rock Art' originally referenced in the paragraph is not an Ancient Monument but that Peel Castle and Lag ny Keeilley are

Proposed Change Number 140

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 8.20.4

Proposed Change: Removal of the phrase 'stone Celtic cross' and replacement with 'medieval stone sculptures'

Reason: To more accurately reflect the time period from which the stone crosses originate

Chapter 9 - Our Town and Village Centres

Proposed Change Number 141

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 9.4.1

Proposed Change: 'To' removed, 'located within' added

Reason: Change in emphasis

Proposed Change Number 142

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Town Centre Proposals 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 4, 7 and 8

Proposed Change: Include reference to 'inclusive access' in Town Centre Proposals

Reason: To reflect feedback received from the Department of Infrastructure

Proposed Change Number 143

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Town Centre Proposal 2a: Ramsey High Street – East - Point 5

Proposed Change: Removal of Point 5 'Market stalls for seasonal and weekend use will be supported; and'

Reason: Activities of this kind do not pertain to development or change of use and therefore fall outside of the planning system

Proposed Change Number 144

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Town Centre Proposal 2a: Ramsey High Street – East - Point 6

Proposed Change: Renumber Point 6 to point 5 and insert 'general'

Reason: To add specific as to which types of Industrial uses theProposal is making reference to as Light Industrial uses can be carried out in any residential area without detriment to the area by reason of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, soot, ash, dust or grit whereas general industrial uses may be incompatible with neighbouring residential uses

Proposed Change Number 145

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Town Centre Proposal 2b point 2

Proposed Change: Remove 'generally'

Reason: Remove ambiguity

Proposed Change Number 146

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Town Centre Proposal 3: Old South Ramsey - Point

Proposed Change: Removal of 'and Queen's Pier'

Reason: At present there is no permanent public access to Queen's Pier

Proposed Change Number 147

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Town Centre Proposal 4: East Quay, Peel - Point 5

Proposed Change: Insert 'Light Industrial' in replace of 'Industrial'

Reason: To be specific as to which types of Industrial uses the Proposal is making reference to as Light Industrial uses can be carried out in any residential area without detriment to the area by reason of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, soot, ash, dust or grit whereas general industrial uses may be incompatible with neighbouring residential uses

Proposed Change Number 148

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Town Centre Proposal 5: Market Place, Peel - Point 2

Proposed Change: Rewording of point to read: 'New development within the Market Place should be of high design quality and be of sufficient scale and height to re-inforce establish the a traditional sense of enclosure to the Market Place and screen views towards the rears of existingproperties'

Reason: Historically, the Market Place in Peel was less enclosed than it is today

Proposed Change Number 149

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Town Centre Proposal 5: Market Place, Peel – Point 3

Proposed Change: Replacement of 'High quality retail' with 'Appropriately scaled'

Reason: It is not necessary for an Area Plan to provide a policy stance on the perceived 'quality' of certain retail uses

Proposed Change Number 150

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Town Centre Proposal 5: Market Place, Peel – Point 5

Proposed Change: Removal of Point 5 from the Proposal, subsequent points in the Proposal renumbered

Reason: Activities of this kind do not pertain to development or change of use and therefore fall outside of the planning system

Proposed Change Number 151

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Town Centre Proposal 5: Market Place, Peel – Point 7

Proposed Change: Reword point 7 of the Proposal to read: 'Market Place would benefit from urban tree planting'

Reason: To add clarity to this part of the Proposal

Proposed Change Number 152

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Town Centre Proposal 8: The Civic Quarter - Point 1

Proposed Change: Removal of the word 'use' and insert 'other community uses'

Reason: In order to reflect uses that may not be directly associated with the church but provide benefit to the community nonetheless

Proposed Change Number 153

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Town Centre Proposal 8: The Civic Quarter - Point 4

Proposed Change: Removal of Point 4 from the Proposal

Reason: The pedestrian link between Derby Road and Tynwald Road viaLyndale Avenue is not a Public Right of Way or recognised Active Travel Link

Proposed Change Number 154

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 9.8.3 to 9.8.5

Proposed Change: Change 'Ramsey High Street' to 'Parliament Street' here and on subsequent and previous refs

Reason: To align with description on Maps

Proposed Change Number 155

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 9.10.2

Proposed Change: Removal of reference to 'Shoprite'

Reason: To remove reference to a specific business

Proposed Change Number 156

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Town Centre Proposal 9: The Transition Zones - Point 4

Proposed Change: Removal of 'restore a sense of the original street enclosure' and insert 'strengthen the street enclosure'

Reason: In order that the Proposal is applicable to streets within the Transition Zones of Peel and Ramsey which may not historically been enclosed but nonetheless would benefit from a greatersense of enclosure

Chapter 10 - Transport and Utilities

Proposed Change Number 157

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Table 10

Proposed Change: Renumber to Table 9

Reason: To ensure the Table numbering flows in numerical order

Proposed Change Number 158

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 10.3, Plan Outcome 3a

Proposed Change: Rewording of Plan Outcome to read: 'Average speed and average journey times remain within acceptable tolerances'

Reason: To reflect consultation with the Department of Infrastructure

Proposed Change Number 159

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 10.6.2, point iii

Proposed Change: Rewording of point to read: 'The change in traffic flows arising from this plan will be relatively low, however there will be sensitive locations where traffic modelling will be required. Traffic count data collection is continuing. This will help to complete the modelling on the Plan'

Reason: To reflect consultation with the Department of Infrastructure who have indicated that although the change in traffic flows across the Plan Area will be low, there will be traffic sensitive locations where modelling is required

Proposed Change Number 160

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 10.6.4

Proposed Change: Insert 'St Johns' and 'Foxdale'

Reason: To reflect the routes of the former railway line as a strategic leisure route

Proposed Change Number 161

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Transport and Utilities Proposal 1

Proposed Change: Re-word Proposal to read: 'Planning applications must take into account any Active Travel Strategy or Investment Plans approved by Tynwald relevant to the North and West'

Reason: There is no Investment Plan or valid Active Travel Strategy that goes beyond any Policies already contained within the Strategic Plan

Proposed Change Number 162

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Transport and Utilities Proposal 5

Proposed Change: Renumber to Transport and Utilities Proposal 6

Reason: Inserted earlier proposal changes numbering for all subsequent Transport and Utilities Proposals

Proposed Change Number 163

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Transport and Utilities Proposal 5

Proposed Change: Replace 'Sewage and wastewater treatment in Peel and the leachate from the Raggatt shall be dealt with by a new Regional Sewage Treatment Works (RSTW).' with 'Sewage and wastewater treatment in Peel and the leachate from the Raggatt shall be dealt with at a new Regional Sewage Treatment Works (RSTW) facility'

Reason: The leachate from the raggatt may not be dealt with entirely at the site

Proposed Change Number 164

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Transport and Utilities Proposal 6

Proposed Change: Renumber to Transport and Utilities Proposal 7

Reason: Inserted earlier proposal changes numbering for all subsequent Transport and Utilities Proposals

Proposed Change Number 165

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 10.10

Proposed Change: Combine paragraphs 10.10.2, 10.10.3 and 10.10.4 into one new paragraph - 10.11.2. Removal of 'while the Design Stage of the new reservoir is in its early phase, the principle of the scheme' and replacement with 'Planning approval for the development of a Service Reservoir in Jurby was secured in November 2023. This scheme is supported'

Reason: To allow the written statement to be read more easily and to acknowledge the approved planning application 23/00988/B for the development of a Service Reservoir in Jurby

Proposed Change Number 166

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Transport and Utilities Proposal 7

Proposed Change: Renumber to Transport and Utilities Proposal 8 and reword Proposalto read: 'The development of a service reservoir in Jurby is supported'

Reason: Inserted earlier proposal changes numbering for all subsequent Transport and Utilities Proposals

Proposed Change Number 167

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Transport and Utilities Proposal 8

Proposed Change: Renumber to Transport and Utilities Proposal 9

Reason: Inserted earlier proposal changes numbering for all subsequentTransport and Utilities Proposals

Proposed Change Number 168

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Transport and Utilities Proposal 9

Proposed Change: Renumber to Transport and Utilities Proposal 10

Reason: Inserted earlier proposal changes numbering for all subsequent Transport and Utilities Proposals

Proposed Change Number 169

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Transport and Utilities Proposal 10

Proposed Change: Renumber to Transport and Utilities Proposal 11 and replace reference to 'MUA' with 'Manx Utilities Authority'

Reason: Inserted earlier proposal changes numbering for all subsequent Transport and Utilities Proposals and to make correct referenceto the name of the Authority

Proposed Change Number 170

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Transport and Utilities Proposal 11

Proposed Change: Renumber to Transport and Utilities Proposal 12

Reason: Inserted earlier proposal changes numbering for all subsequent Transport and Utilities Proposals

Proposed Change Number 171

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Minerals Policy 3

Proposed Change: Rename to Minerals Proposal 3

Reason: To be consistent with the rest of the Written Statement

Proposed Change Number 172

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 10.15.1

Proposed Change: Reword paragraph to read: 'The ‘Isle of Man Waste Strategy 2018, prepared by the Department of Infrastructure, sought to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill. To that effect, much of the Island’s domestic waste is incinerated at the Energy from Waste Plant in Braddan or processed for recycling or reuse either on or off Island'

Reason: In light of feedback from the Department of Infrastructure and to make correct reference to the Isle of Man Waste Strategy and its aims

Proposed Change Number 173

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 10.15.2

Proposed Change: Addition of 'Of the non-incinerable waste that is inert such as glass and road planings (only when free of coal tar) these can be suitable for recycling as secondary aggregates'

Reason: In light of feedback from the Department of Infrastructure, Cabinet Office acknowledges that coal tar falls within the hazardous/special waste category

Chapter 11 - Employment

Proposed Change Number 174

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 11.1.2

Proposed Change: Removal of: 'states under the goal of 'strong and diverse economy' that the aim is to 'support and provide the right conditions for development, diversification, growth and opportunity for the Islands economy and business sections' and replace with 'together with the Isle of Man Economic Strategy aims to 'develop a strong and diverse economy, which is sustainable, ambitious and built on firm foundations to provide economic success, rewarding career opportunities and prosperity which positively impacts all residents on the Isle of Man'

Reason: This reference to Our Island Plan was from an older version of the Plan which has was re-published in January 2023 to incorporate the aims of the Isle of Man Economic Strategy

Proposed Change Number 175

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: New Paragraph 11.1.6

Proposed Change: Addition of 'Pursuant of providing such an over-arching vision, Our Island Plan, in tandem with the Isle of Man Economic Strategy sets the economic ambition for the Island'

Reason: Since the publication of the Draft Area Plan for the North and West in June 2022, Our Island Plan and the Isle of Man Economic Strategy have been approved by Tynwald

Proposed Change Number 176

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: New footnote (45) in Pip 2

Proposed Change: Insert footnote to read: 'Our Island Plan: Incorporating the delivery of the Economic Strategy, January 2023 (GD No. 2022/0095)'

Reason: To provide a link to the Our Island Plan

Proposed Change Number 177

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 11.1.6

Proposed Change: Removal of 'Establishing the clear longer term vision will be aided by the incoming Economic Strategy which will filter through to planning policy via strategic policy review and update of local area proposals'

Reason: Since the publication of the Draft Area Plan for the North and West in June 2022, Our Island Plan and the Isle of Man Economic Strategy have been approved by Tynwald. Together, these documents provide the longer term vision to which reference is made in this paragraph

Proposed Change Number 178

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 11.6.2

Proposed Change: Replace Army with RAF

Reason: Factual correction

Proposed Change Number 179

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Table 11

Proposed Change: Rename to Table 10 and amend figures

Reason: To ensure the table numbering flows in numerical order and to reflect the site size, net developable area and contribution toland supply (Ha)

Proposed Change Number 180

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Table 12

Proposed Change: Removal of table

Reason: The contents of the table is covered in Table 11

Proposed Change Number 181

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Employment Proposal 2

Proposed Change: Amendment of the name of JE001 to include field 124728. Site size amended to reflect the addition of field 124728 and the addition of 'and HGV parking' to the list of uses supported on the proposal site in the associated Development Brief

Reason: To reflect the proposed amendment to include field 124728 within JE001 and to allow the site to be used for the parking of HGV's in future

Proposed Change Number 182

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Table 13

Proposed Change: Removal of table

Reason: The contents of the table is covered in Table 11

Proposed Change Number 183

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Table 13

Proposed Change: Removal of table

Reason: The contents of the table is covered in Table 11

Proposed Change Number 184

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: New Footnotes (50 and 51 in Pip 2)

Proposed Change: Amend reference to the approval of Economic Strategy

Reason: To reflect the publication and approval by Tynwald of the Isle of Man Economic Strategy

Proposed Change Number 185

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 11.9.2

Proposed Change: Removal of 'and noting that no licenses have been issued'

Reason: Since the publication of the Draft Area Plan for the North and West a conditional medicinal cannabis license for export has been offered by the Department for Enterprise

Chapter 12 - Tourism and Leisure

Proposed Change Number 186

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 12.3.1

Proposed Change: Addition of 'abundant wildlife' to paragraph

Reason: In light of consultation feedback received from the Department for Enterprise - Visit Agency who requested that the Island's wildlife be included in the paragraph

Proposed Change Number 187

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Tourism Proposal 4

Proposed Change: 'Generally' removed

Reason: To remove ambiguity

Chapter 13 - Open Space and Recreation, Education, Health and other Community Facilities

Proposed Change Number 188

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 13.5.1

Proposed Change: Update Table numbers

Reason: To ensure the paragraph refers to the correct Tables

Proposed Change Number 189

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Table 14

Proposed Change: Rename to Table 12 and amendments made encompassing: Removal of burial land and allotments from Ramsey, removal of golf course from Bride, removal of institutional care from Andreas and addition of institutional care to Lezayre

Reason: To refer to the correct table and to show the correct availability of open space or community facilities within the Parish/Local Authority Area

Proposed Change Number 190

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Table 14

Proposed Change: Add in date of research '2023' in title. Insert the following caveat below table 'Note: Some facilities serving individual settlements may fall outside of the parish or local authority area. This table reflects the current position'

Reason: The parish in which a facility is recorded may not necessarily be the community in which it best serves

Proposed Change Number 191

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Table 15

Proposed Change: Rename to Table 13 and amendments made encompassing: Removal of burial land and allotments from Peel, the addition of allotments to and the removal of sports pitches in German, the removal of equestrian from Michael and the addition of children's play space and allotments to Patrick

Reason: To refer to the correct table and to show the correct availability of open space or community facilities within the Parish/Local Authority Area

Proposed Change Number 192

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Table 15

Proposed Change: Add in date of research '2023' in title. Insert the following caveat below table 'Note: Some facilities serving individual settlements may fall outside of the parish or local authority area. This table reflects the current position'

Reason: The parish in which a facility is recorded may not necessarily be the community in which it best serves

Proposed Change Number 193

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 13.6.1

Proposed Change: Addition of 'new residential development'

Reason: To clarify that the open space standards in Appendix 6 of the Strategic Plan apply to new residential development

Proposed Change Number 194

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 13.6.3

Proposed Change: Update Table numbers

Reason: To refer to the correct tables

Proposed Change Number 195

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Table 16

Proposed Change: Rename to Table 13 and amend figures

Reason: To reflect the amended table numbering and the findings of the updated evidence paper in respect of Open Space and Community Facilities in the Plan Area

Proposed Change Number 196

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Table 17

Proposed Change: Rename to Table 14 and amend figures

Reason: To reflect the amended table numbering and the findings of the updated evidence paper in respect of Open Space and Community Facilities in the Plan Area

Proposed Change Number 197

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 13.6.4

Proposed Change: Replace '1.22 Ha/1000 residents in the North and 0.57 Ha/1000 residents in the West' to read '1.28 Ha/1000 residents in the North and 1.45 Ha/1000 residents in the West'

Reason: To reflect the findings of the updated evidence paper in reflect of Open Space and community Facilities in the Plan Area

Proposed Change Number 198

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Open Space and Community Proposal 2

Proposed Change: Addition of 'and will be retained for such purposes'. Removal of 'not detract from' and replacement with 'compliment'

Reason: To add clarity that the Proposal not merely recognises the importance of the facilities in question but also supports their retention

Proposed Change Number 199

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Open Space and Community Proposal 3

Proposed Change: Rewording of proposal to read: 'In the light of the identified capacity issues relating to education provision in Peel, for both Peel Clothworkers’ Primary School and Queen Elizabeth II High School, new educational land has been identified and must be safeguarded for future educational purposes'

Reason: To allow the proposal to be read more easily

Proposed Change Number 200

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Open Space and Community Proposal 5 - LO001 Development Brief

Proposed Change: Rewording of Point 1 of Development Brief to read: 'The site shall only be used for formal open space, which includes pitches: greens, courts, athletics tracks, and for associated purposes such as training areas. The acceptability of flood lighting proposal shall be determined as part of future planning applications'

Reason: To add clarity to the development brief in that the site shall only be used to provide formal open space

Chapter 14 - Residential (Housing)

Proposed Change Number 201

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 14.3.4

Proposed Change: Addition of 'allocates 15% (770) to the North, 15% (770) to the West, 22% (1120) to the South and 48% (2440) to the East'

Reason: To capture the specific detail of Housing Policy 3 without the need to repeat the whole Strategic Plan policy verbatim

Proposed Change Number 202

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 14.4 Plan Outcome 1a

Proposed Change: Re-word Plan Outcome 1a to read: 'There are sufficient housing opportunities on a mix of sites for a variety of housing types (including opportunities for affordable housing) to be delivered over the plan period. There is also sufficient and considered expansion space to support sustainable planning in the longer term as this Plan transitions into the next'

Reason: To reflect the Cabinet Office acknowledgement that the lifetime of the Area Plan for the North and West may well extend into the next Plan period beyond 2026

Proposed Change Number 203

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 14.4 Plan Objective 5

Proposed Change: Change to 'To retain the character and appearance of the settlements in the Plan Area while recognising the need for sustainable growth and consolidation where appropriate'

Reason: To add clarity about the overall approach

Proposed Change Number 204

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: 14.4 Plan Outcome 5a

Proposed Change: Reword Plan outcome to read: 'The local area is sustainable and development is focused on regeneration first'

Reason: To reflect that in Strategic Planning policy, although regeneration is the preferred approach to development over sustainable urban extensions or other greenfield development, it alone may not be sufficient to deliver housing to meet local need, or to provide an adequately diverse range of housing typologies including affordable housing. Accordingly, while development in smaller settlements should be focused on regeneration first, it is accepted that regeneration cannot necessarily be the sole way in which development is delivered

Proposed Change Number 205

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 14.6.1

Proposed Change: Rewording of paragraph to read: 'The Strategic Plan 2016 seeks to ensure opportunities for 1,540 dwellings to be built in the North and West between 2011 and 2026'

Reason: To better reflect the role of the Strategic Plan in setting high level Strategic Policy in respect of housing numbers.

Proposed Change Number 206

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 14.6.2

Proposed Change: The net figure of new homes which have been completed or are currently under construction since 2011 has been updated

Reason: To take into account the most recent Residential Land Availability (RLAS) Study

Proposed Change Number 207

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 14.8.2 - Point vii

Proposed Change: Re-wording of point

Reason: In recognition that on occasion, the delivery of affordable housing on brownfield sites is not a viable prospect

Proposed Change Number 208

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 14.8.2 - Point viii

Proposed Change: Re-wording of point and removal of subsequent bullet points

Reason: In light of the proposed amendments to the Draft Area Plan for the North and West including proposals sites within settlements which the Draft Pan (as published in June 2022) did not

Proposed Change Number 209

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 14.9.1

Proposed Change: Removal of 'The following sites will be accompanied by Development Briefs: PR002, RR009, AR018, BR010, LR007 & GMR001 (part)' as well as 'Consultation on Development Briefs' section

Reason: In light of the proposed changes to the Draft Area Plan for the North and West ahead of the Public Inquiry

Proposed Change Number 210

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 14.11.2

Proposed Change: Amendment of the total figure (line 2) and removal of 'but will do at some point within the plan period and until such time a greater number of units than anticipated could be approved' and replacement with 'and improvements may be made off site'

Reason: To reflect the proposed amendments to the Draft Area Plan for the North and West and that, at present, the policy requirement for the delivery of biodiversity net gain is not in force as well as the fact that off-site provision for BNG is an option which would have no implications for the net developable area of the site

Proposed Change Number 211

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 14.11.3

Proposed Change: Removal of paragraph

Reason: Provision for Biodiversity Net Gain and the impact this has on site yields is explained in detail in the evidence paper on Land Needs and land Supply. Any changes will be monitored through the plan monitor manage approach

Written Statement - Appendice

Proposed Change Number 212

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Appendix 1 - Table A.1.1

Proposed Change: Addition of 'Greeba Mountain and Central Hills ASSI' to the list of the ASSI sites in the North and West

Reason: To reflect the areas Special Scientific Interest and its location partially within the Plan area

Proposed Change Number 213

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Appendix 1 - Table A.1.2

Proposed Change: Addition of 'Ramsey Hairpin Woodland Park' to the list of Manx Wildlife Trust Reserves in the North and West

Reason: To reflect the status of the area as an MWT Reserve

Proposed Change Number 214

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Appendix 1 - Table A.1.3

Proposed Change: Addition of 'Lezayre Community Hall, Lezayre' and 'Traie ny Halsall, Maughold' to the list of Wildlife Sites in the North and West

Reason: To reflect both areas status as Wildlife Sites within the Plan area

Proposed Change Number 215

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan or Easting/Northing on Map: Appendix 1 - Table A.1.4

Proposed Change: Addition of 'Cooil y Ree' to the list of Glens in the North and West

Reason: To reflect the areas status as a Glen

Do you have any comments on the minor changes as set out in Paper 7: PIP 1 Schedule of Changes.