Modifications to the Draft Area Plan for the North and West

Closes 27 Mar 2025

Modification 1: Chapter 1 - An 'Area' approach to Plan making

Paper 3, shown below, sets out all of the Proposed Modifications to the Draft Area Plan for the North and West. 

Each proposed Modification describes where it originated (most are from the RMCs but there are others), the effect of the Modification and sets out suggested Cabinet Office comments alongside each proposed change.

This section covers Modification 1 which relate to Chapter 1 An 'Area' approach to Plan making, the effect of which can be seen below. If you wish to make a comment on this modification, you have the opportunity to do so.

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Where changes relate to the Written Statement, their effects are shown illustratively in Paper 4: Post – Inquiry Written Statement.

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Modification 1 - Do you have any comments on the addition to paragraph 1.2.1 to reflect the development of the Area Plan for the North and West.

More information on modification 1

Proposal/Paragraph of Draft Plan 2022 or Easting/Northing on Map: Paragraph 1.2.1

Effect of proposed Modification: Addition of text to reflect the development of the Area Plan for the North and West.

Cabinet Office (Department) comments: Cabinet Office accept this Recommendation and have amended the paragraph