Modifications to the Draft Area Plan for the North and West

Closes 27 Mar 2025

Modifications 83 and 84: Environmental Constraints map (1aN and 1aW)

This section covers Modifications 83 and 84 which relate to Environmental Constraints map (1aN and 1aW), the effect of which can be seen below. If you wish to make a comment on any of these modifications you have the opportunity to do so.

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These changes relate to Environmental Constraints map (1aN and 1aW), the new illustrated maps can be found below.

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Modification 83 - Do you have any comments on the amendment to the Environmental Constraints map to reflect Draft Conservation Areas.

More information on modification 83

Origin of Change (RMC No, Major Change No from PIP 1 or COD No.): RMC 74

Inspector's Report Paragraph No.: 90 to 97

Effect of proposed Modification: Addition of the Draft Conservation Areas and sites of potential high environmental pollution risk arising from natural erosion processes such as landfill

Cabinet Office (Department) comments: Cabinet Office amend this Recommendation and have amended the Environmental Constraints map to reflect Draft Conservation Areas but have not included sites of potential high environmental pollution risk arising from natural erosion processes such as landfill

Modification 84 - Do you have any comments on the amendment to the Environmental Constraints maps to include Marine Nature Reserves, modification to Area of Ecological Interest and the expansion of Ramsey Hairpin Woodland Park.

More information on modification 84

Origin of Change (RMC No, Major Change No from PIP 1 or COD No.): RMC 75

Inspector's Report Paragraph No.: 90 to 97

Effect of proposed Modification: Addition of Marine Nature Reserves up to the Mean Low Water mark showing the foreshore in the West as an Area of Ecological Interest and the expansion of the Ramsey Hairpin Woodland Park

Cabinet Office (Department) comments: Cabinet Office accept this Recommendation and have amended the Environmental Constraints maps accordingly