The Isle of Man Strategic Plan Review – Preliminary Publicity

Closed 29 Sep 2023

Opened 21 Jul 2023

Feedback updated 20 Nov 2023

We asked

In July 2023 Cabinet Office published the Preliminary Publicity for the Strategic Plan review. The Strategic Plan sets the high-level planning policy framework for the sustainable development of the Island, and the Preliminary Publicity stage represents the first statutory step in a comprehensive review of this important statutory planning document.  

Aside from a focused review in 2016, the Strategic Plan remains largely unchanged since its original adoption in 2007. The Strategic Plan review provides the opportunity to review the Island’s Spatial Strategy and embed climate change policies in the Plan, as well as to reflect some of the core strategic objectives set out in ‘Our Island Plan’ to build a secure, vibrant and sustainable future for our Island and specifically deliver one of the key elements identified in the ‘Building Great Communities’ Programmes. 

Because of the wide-reaching implications of the Strategic Plan review for all members of the Island community, Cabinet Office invited comment from interested parties and stakeholders on the published Preliminary Publicity documents. These documents comprised a Main Consultation Document as well as a series of Evidence Papers which looked at specific topic areas in greater detail. All published evidence papers were available on the Consultation Hub and via the Cabinet Office website.

You said

The Strategic Plan Preliminary Publicity consultation ran between 21 July and 29 September 2023 and attracted 209 responses. The vast majority of responses were received either via email or online via the Consultation Hub. A small number of physical response forms and letters were also received.

The 209 respondents comprised:

  • 153 members of the public
  • 5 private companies (excluding developers and built environment professionals)
  • 11 developers or built environment professionals
  • 14 Local Authorities or politicians
  • 6 Government Departments or Statutory Bodies/Boards
  • 8 special interest or community groups
  • 7 who identified as ‘other’

We did

Cabinet Office has analysed all responses received and is in the process of producing a consultation summary report which will look at the themes which emerged as part of the consultation responses.

Schedule 1, Paragraph 3, of the Town and Country Planning Act (1999) requires Cabinet Office to publish a Draft Plan no more than 12 months after the completion of the Preliminary Publicity. This means a draft plan shall be published by 28 September 2024.

The responses received as part of the Preliminary Publicity consultation will directly inform the Draft Strategic Plan which will, in turn, be subject to a further round of consultation ahead of public inquiry.


Cabinet Office is undertaking the ‘Preliminary Publicity’ stage signalling the start of the review process into the Isle of Man Strategic Plan 2016.  This is in line with Paragraph 2, Schedule 1, of the Town and Country Planning Act (1999).  Preliminary Publicity represents the first statutory step of the Development Plan Procedure and sets out the matters that the draft plan will deal with.

The Strategic Plan provides the high-level planning policy framework for the future sustainable development of the Island and aims to ensure that the land use needs and other spatial planning requirements which may relate to economic, social and environmental matters are adequately met.

This is a comprehensive review process which will, once complete, replace the existing plan in its entirety. Some policies may simply be amended and updated but others will be added or potentially removed. The review provides the opportunity to embed Climate Change policies into statutory planning policy and reflect the core strategic objectives set out in Our Island Plan 2023 (GD No. 2022/0095), to build a secure, vibrant and sustainable future for our Island and specifically deliver one of the ‘Building Great Communities’ programmes. 

Accordingly, Cabinet Office is inviting representations on the documents published as part of the Preliminary Publicity.  This suite of documents comprises the Main Technical Consultation Paper and a number of Evidence Papers which explore specific subject areas in more detail.  

Why your views matter

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Town and Country Planning Act (1999), when preparing a Development Plan, Cabinet Office must give adequate publicity to the matters that the plan proposals intend to deal with. The review of the Strategic Plan will cover a wide range of topic areas, and set out the overarching planning policy direction to guide the production of Area Plans and the determination of planning application decisions.  The Plan will cover the broad topics listed in the current Strategic Plan, namely: the Island Spatial Strategy, Housing, the Environment, Business (employment land) and Tourism, Sport, Recreation, Open Space and Community Facilities, Transport, Infrastructure and Utilities, Minerals, Energy and Waste. The new Plan will embed policies on Climate Change and in respect of other national policy areas such as: design quality, landscape protection, heritage and conservation, and renewable energy.  These are issues which touch the everyday lives of all Island residents, and to ensure a robust Draft Plan, Cabinet Office is seeking input from a wide range of stakeholders at this early stage of the Development Plan process.


  • All Areas


  • Elected members - MHKs
  • Elected members - local government
  • Tenants
  • Landlords
  • Employees
  • Older people
  • Homeowners
  • Self-employed
  • Students
  • Retired
  • Children & young people
  • Volunteers
  • Unemployed
  • Parents, carers and & guardians
  • People with disabilities or long term illness
  • Leaseholders/ landowners
  • Lesbian, gay, transgender & bisexual
  • Civil and public servants
  • Black & minority ethnic
  • Business owner
  • Road users
  • All residents
  • Visitors & tourists
  • Other non-resident - business interests


  • Planning policy