Multi-Band Spectrum Award Consultation 2020: 700MHz and 3.6GHz

Closed 30 Oct 2020

Opened 14 Sep 2020

Feedback updated 22 Dec 2020

We asked

The Commission sought views on:

Future Use of Spectrum for Award

  • the amount of spectrum to be released in the 700 MHz and 3.6 GHz bands
  • release spectrum on a service and technology neutral basis

Lots – number and sizes

Award Caps – on number of lots any party can hold in either band


You said

In total 3 responses were received from Licensed Operators – the Commission will publish non confidential responses in due course.

We did

The next stage of the process will now involve reviewing all responses received and includes a further Consultation on the Award process including;

  • detail on the approach to licence fee setting and
  • on the further principles for Transition arrangements following the Award.  

Results updated 22 Dec 2020



The purpose of this consultation is to signal the Commission’s preliminary views and gather industry thoughts on the forthcoming spectrum award process for spectrum in the 700MHz and 3.6GHz bands and options available. This will in turn allow the Commission to design an appropriate process for ensuring that access to the spectrum is awarded to parties that will make the most efficient use of it in the interests of the Manx consumer and economy, on a fair and non-discriminatory basis.

If you wish to discuss the issues and questions raised in this consultation, or simply seek clarification, please contact the Commission. 

Why your views matter

The Commission is seeking industry thoughts on its preliminary views on the forthcoming spectrum award process for spectrum in the 700MHz and 3.6GHz bands.

What happens next

Consultation responses will be processed by the Communications Commission. The Commission will prepare and publish a summary of the responses and its consideration of the responses received, and any further consultation and/or decision(s).


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