Annual Leave and Rest Breaks
Feedback updated 11 Mar 2025
We asked
This consultation sought views on annual leave and rest breaks.
You said
A summary of responses can be found in the documents below.
We did
The Department will consider changes to statutory annual leave provision and in doing so, assess the impact of this across business sectors.
While the work on annual leave will not be immediate, the Department will be prioritising the introduction of a statutory right to a rest break for all workers, in addition to a statutory right to a rest period between working shifts in the forthcoming Employment (Amendment) Bill. Further information can be found in the summary document.
Results updated 11 Mar 2025
- Review of consultation responses - Annual Leave and Rest Breaks, 603.4 KB (PDF document)
Our Island Plan sets out a vision of a secure, vibrant and sustainable Island, with a commitment for the Department for Enterprise to deliver reforms to employment legislation, ensuring the Island is aligned with international standards and remains a competitive and attractive place to work.
Though in 2017 the Equality Act made a number of significant changes to employment law in the Island in relation to discrimination, over a number of years the Isle of Man has been falling behind international standards in relation to employment rights. The Department intends to make a number of changes to employment law in the current administration.
In 2022, the Department consulted on a number of topics that came to make up the Employment (Amendment) Bill 2023 that completed its progress through the Legislative Branches earlier this year. Those measures, which focused mainly on family leave rights and whistleblowing, will be implemented in the spring of 2025.
Why your views matter
The Department now seeks to make further improvements to employment legislation on the Isle of Man. This consultation seeks views on statutory provision of annual leave and rest breaks.
The consultation is issued in tandem with a series of other consultations that can be found on the Consultation Hub in relation to Employment Rights.
Throughout this consultation, the UK’s employment provisions may be referenced. It should be noted that now the UK is under a Labour Government, that this may change in the future.
Following this consultation, the Department will review the responses and use this information to inform the development of the Employment (Amendment) Bill that will be brought forward in 2025.
A summary of responses will be published on this page within 12 weeks of the consultation closing.
If you would like to find out more about the Island’s current statutory employment rights, please visit the Guides to Employment Rights page on (opens on a new tab).
More information on the Employment (Amendment) Bill 2023 (opens in a new tab).
Reasonable adjustments and alternative formats
The Department is committed to equal opportunities and our aim is to make our documents easy to use and accessible to all.
We will take steps to accommodate any reasonable adjustments and provide such assistance as you may reasonably require to enable you to access or reply to this consultation.
If you would like to receive this document in another format or need assistance with accessing or replying to this consultation, please email or telephone +44 1624 686559.
Responding to this consultation
You can respond to this consultation online by clicking on the 'Online Survey' link below. Alternatively, you can download a paper copy on the 'Related' section below.
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