Review of the rates of Minimum Wage

Closed 29 Mar 2019

Opened 15 Feb 2019


The Minister for Enterprise has requested the Minimum Wage Committee to make recommendations to him on any changes to the rate of the minimum wage to become effective in October 2019.

Why your views matter

The Minimum Wage Committee is seeking views on this important issue, and would welcome written submissions from interested parties and people who consider themselves adversely affected by the Minimum Wage.


  • All Areas


  • Elected members - MHKs
  • Elected members - local government
  • Tenants
  • Landlords
  • Employees
  • Older people
  • Homeowners
  • Self-employed
  • Students
  • Retired
  • Children & young people
  • Volunteers
  • Unemployed
  • Parents, carers and & guardians
  • People with disabilities or long term illness
  • Leaseholders/ landowners
  • Lesbian, gay, transgender & bisexual
  • Civil and public servants
  • Black & minority ethnic
  • Business owner
  • Road users
  • All residents
  • Visitors & tourists
  • Other non-resident - business interests


  • Policies, strategies & plans