Establishment of a new Marine Nature Reserve along the east coast of the Isle of Man

Closes 28 Apr 2025

Opened 17 Mar 2025


The Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture (‘the Department’) is seeking views on the establishment of a new Marine Nature Reserve (MNR) to protect key habitats in   Bulgham Bay and Cornaa, which hold important blue carbon and conservation value. As part of this consultation, the Department is asking for feedback on the following proposals (proposed) measures:  

  • The designation of a single-feature Marine Nature Reserve and to establish an Eelgrass Conservation Zone (ECZ) to protect a newly discovered seagrass bed (hereafter referred to as eelgrass) in Bulgham Bay
  • An extended Marine Nature Reserve to include the saltmarsh habitat at Cornaa, with statutory protection extending up to the high-water mark
  • An extended Marine Nature Reserve, up to Maughold Head, to include additional habitats of high conservation value

In addition, the Department is making stakeholders aware of proposed changes to the boundaries of existing eelgrass conservation zones, within existing MNRs, to reflect changes in their extent, and is seeking the views of directly impacted stakeholders in relation to these changes.

We invite your views on these proposals and their potential impact.

DEFA have statutory responsibility to protect eelgrass beds under the Wildlife Act 1990:

  • The Wildlife Act, via MNR designation, provides a mechanism to establish Eelgrass Conservation Zones (ECZs), and which is the current mechanism used to enhance eelgrass protection, by enabling provisions under the MNR byelaws

Eelgrass beds are known to be vulnerable to anthropogenic (human) disturbance, for example from fishing gear which comes into contact with the seabed and from vessel anchoring.

However, for the Department to designate a ECZ it first needs to establish an MNR.

A previously unreported eelgrass bed was recently discovered in Bulgham Bay (just north of Laxey) and has now been surveyed. This eelgrass meadow is currently outside of the established MNR network.

In addition, recent surveys of known eelgrass beds have indicated that existing eelgrass conservation zones (ECZs) require re-defining, and in most cases expanding, to reflect the current distribution of eelgrass habitat.

Why Blue Carbon habitats are important

As part of its Climate Change and Net Zero commitments, the Department has funded research into key blue carbon habitats within Manx waters to ascertain how much carbon is stored and accumulated by marine systems. These results have shown that both eelgrass beds and saltmarshes around the island are net carbon sinks.

Additionally, these habitats provide other ecosystem services such as helping to protect the shoreline from storms and providing habitat for other species to forage, reproduce and live.

Why your views matter

The Department is seeking views from interested stakeholders and the public on proposals to expand existing ECZ’s, informed by recent surveys, and to establish a new MNR on the east coast of the Isle of Man to protect habitats that have both blue carbon and conservation value.

This consultation takes the form of a series of questions where consultees may provide feedback. On completion of the consultation, results will be analysed, and a short report will be produced within 3 months summarising the findings of the consultation and the Department response. Consultation responses are advisory and will be used to inform the decision-making process.

Reasonable adjustments and alternative formats

The Department is committed to equal opportunities and our aim is to make our documents easy to use and accessible to all.

We will take steps to accommodate any reasonable adjustments and provide such assistance as you may reasonably require to enable you to access or reply to this consultation.

If you would like to receive this document in another format or need assistance with accessing or replying to this consultation, please email or telephone +44 1624 685835.

Responding to this consultation and questions

You can respond to this consultation online by clicking on the 'Online Survey' link below. Alternatively you can collect a physical copy at the below address or download a paper version of this consultation in the 'Related' section below and email it to or post it to:

DEFA Environment Directorate (New MNR Consultation)
Thie Slieau Whallian
Foxdale Road
St John's
Isle of Man

All comments will be collated and will be considered in the subsequent post-consultation report. Any published comments will be anonymised and will be compliant with GDPR guidelines.

List of notified consultees

  • Manx Fish Producers Organisation
  • Manx Wildlife Trust

Give us your views


  • All Areas


  • All residents


  • Biodiversity, wildlife & conservation
  • Fisheries