Consultation on the Future Management of the Isle of Man Crab & Lobster Fisheries in Isle of Man Territorial Waters

Closed 7 Dec 2020

Opened 26 Oct 2020


Future Management of the Isle of Man Crab & Lobster in Manx waters (12 nautical miles [NM]).

Why your views matter

The crab and lobster fisheries in the waters around the Isle of Man have significant commercial importance. Landings of both crab and lobster from Isle of Man territorial waters were relatively stable between 2012 and 2017, but subsequently fishing effort and landings in the brown crab fishery increased significantly during 2018. Effort continued to increase into 2019 where total landings of crab decreased and lobster increased.

The Department is consulting on proposals to enhance sea fisheries management of the commercial crab and lobster fisheries, together with measures to change recreational sea fish licensing for crab and lobster pot fishers.

The consultation seeks views on a number of aspects of fisheries management, such as control of fishing effort, marking of gear, potential increases in minimum landing sizes for crab and lobster, and priorities and options for a long-term industry supported scientific research programme for crab and lobster.

Recreational crab and lobster potting is also specifically addressed through a proposal to change the management of this licensed activity by the introduction of an annual licence. Views are wanted on proposals for an annual licence fee and licence renewal fee.

Documents have been prepared by Bangor University covering latency, minimum conservation reference sizes, size at onset of maturity of European lobster, and a 5-year scientific plan for the Isle of Man crab and lobster fishery 2020-2025, (see Appendices 1 to 4)

What happens next

A summary of responses will be posted on the Department’s website within 3 months of the close of the consultation period and will also be available from the Tynwald library and the Department’s head office.


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