Reform of the Planning System - Public Consultation in relation to Secondary Legislation

Closed 15 Sep 2019

Opened 2 Aug 2019

Feedback updated 5 Nov 2019

We asked

A Planning Action Plan was laid before Tynwald on 15 May 2018.  It included a commitment to make changes to the existing Town and Country Planning Act, 1999.  The Planning Act 2019 came into operation on the 20th October 2019.  Whilst the Act was awaiting Royal Assent, a public consultation was carried out which sought views in relation to a number of pieces of secondary legislation which would be required to implement the changes made in the Act.  The consultation is part of a joint project between the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture and the Cabinet Office to take forward the Reform of the Planning System.

You said

There were 26 responses to the consultation.  Responses were received from 5 Local Authorities, Manx Utilities, the Department of Infrastructure, the Alliance for Building Conservation the Isle of Man Antiquarian and Natural History Society, as well as developers and members of the public. 

We did

A report has been published which includes a summary of the responses and the issues they raise.  The emerging legislation will be informed accordingly.

Results updated 5 Nov 2019

Consultation Summary & Department Responses Report

A report is available to view (below) which sets out the results of the consultation and the responses to the issues raised.


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


A Planning Action Plan was laid before Tynwald on 15 May 2018.  It included a commitment to make changes to the existing Town and Country Planning Act, 1999.  A Planning Bill has been produced and has been supported by both branches of Tynwald.  It is currently awaiting Royal Assent and it is envisaged it will be brought back to Tynwald before the end of the year. 

This consultation now seeks views in relation to a number of pieces of secondary legislation which are required to implement these changes.

This consultation is part of a joint project between the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture and the Cabinet Office to take forward the Reform of the Planning System.

Why your views matter

To obtain the views of the public in relation to the proposed secondary legislation which are required to implement the changes contained within the Planning Bill.

What happens next

After the consultation, the results will be reviewed and any necessary amendments made to the draft legislation.  It is anticipated that this consideration by Tynwald will take place before the end of 2019.

A summary of responses will be published within three months of the closing date for this consultation and will be made available on the Consultation Hub, or by contacting the named officer.


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