Health and Care Services Bill – Overarching Policy Principals

Closes 7 Oct 2024

Opened 29 Jul 2024


The Health and Care Services Bill is being developed in response to Recommendation 8 of the Sir Jonathan Michael Independent Review of Health and Care Services on the Isle of Man. The Bill intends to amalgamate and modernise the existing primary legislation which underpins health and care services, in order to support delivery of a modern, integrated and fit for purpose health and care system. The development of the Bill has been split in to five phases. This consultation relates to Phase 1 – Overarching Policy Principals. We want to tell you about the work that has gone on to date, and hear your views about our ideas to make things better.

Why your views matter

Health and care services impact all members of the Island’s community. We want to make sure that the Health and Care Services Bill is right for you and the people you care about. Providing your views during the policy development stage will help us to ensure that the Bill – and crucially, the provision of services that it will underpin – matches your views and priorities.

Reasonable adjustments and alternative formats

The Department is committed to equal opportunities and our aim is to make our documents easy to use and accessible to all.

We will take steps to accommodate any reasonable adjustments and provide such assistance as you may reasonably require to enable you to access or reply to this consultation.

If you would like to receive this document as a paper copy, in another format or need assistance with accessing or replying to this consultation, please email

Responding to this consultation and questions

You can respond to this consultation online by clicking on the 'Online Survey' link below.

Give us your views


  • All Areas


  • All residents


  • Legislation
  • Social Care
  • Health