Proposed changes to employed person’s allowance and proposed change to income support for lone parents

Closed 11 Jan 2018

Opened 30 Nov 2017

Feedback updated 26 Jun 2019

We asked

We asked you to comment on proposed changes to the minimum work requirements for employed person’s allowance and on a proposed reduction in the upper age limit of the youngest or only child of a lone parent for the purpose of eligibility for income support.

You said

We received a total of 205 responses – some were in favour of the proposals, some were against. The Treasury would like to thank all the respondents, especially those who also provided comments and suggestions.

We did

The Treasury has now legislated for changes which were approved by Tynwald on 22 May 2019.


Employed Person's Allowance (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 (SD 2019/0186)


The minimum work requirements for employed person’s allowance will change for some groups with effect from 2 June 2020. The changes made are significantly different to those which were proposed in the consultation.


Income Support (General) (Isle of Man) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 (SD 2019/0187)


The eligibility of lone parents to claim income support will change from 2 April 2020. From that point to be eligible to claim income support as a lone parent, the lone parent must be responsible for a child under 6 years of age  (the same as proposed in the consultation document). However, we have also made an additional change not mentioned in the consultation: from 23 May 2019 lone parents getting a bereavement support payment can claim income support regardless of the age(s) of their children.  


This consultation is about proposed changes to the entitlement criteria for the following income-related social security benefits:

  • employed person’s allowance, and
  • income support for lone parents

Why your views matter

The proposed changes would have significant social and economic impacts.

This consultation will enable us to decide whether:
  • the proposed changes should be progressed
  • they need changing
  • what exceptions may need to be made

What happens next

Treasury will consider all of the comments received and will then publish a document summarising the responses and stating what it intends to do next.


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