Support requirements for those claiming the Manx Earnings Replacement Allowance (MERA) or Job Seeker's Allowance (JSA)

Closed 30 Jul 2020

Opened 16 Jul 2020

Feedback updated 21 Dec 2020

We asked

The purpose of this consultation was to gain information relating to individual’s employment status, what benefits they may have been claiming and to seek views on what would help them to re-establish themselves in meaningful and worthwhile employment.

You said

The consultation received a total of 54 responses, the majority (67%) of whom were either unemployed or furloughed at that time. 7.5 % of the respondents were confident that they would soon be back at work and 24% of were either currently employed or self-employed.

52% of respondents had been unemployed for over 4 months. Of these 50% were claiming the Manx Earnings Allowance (MERA) and 35% Job Seekers Allowance.

60% responded that they had lost their job through Covid.

The survey indicated a strong will for people to expand on their existing skills or retrain for a new sector if government funding were available. 43% indicated that they were likely of extremely likely to take up offers of training and a further 37 were keen but would be dependent on on the topic and level of qualification on offer.

72% indicated confidence in engaging in online learning with a further 20% indicating they would prefer classroom based courses.

When asked what government employment services would most valued there was a strong appetite for Advice and Guidance, Assistance with Job Searches, CV Preparation, Interview Techniques and Advice, Disability Employment Advice and Funding for Training. Additionally 31% were interested in starting up their own business.

We did

We raised the profile of the JobCentre through social media, radio articles and increased client interaction, highlighting of the scope and availability of existing services including Advice and Guidance, Assistance with Job Searches, CV Preparation, Interview Techniques and Advice, Disability Employment Advice and Funding for Training and 121 IT Training provision. Additionally the JobCentre now contacts all new JSA signers within two weeks of sign-on to offer support and discuss action plans to expedite their return to work.

Through a combination of remote and face to face appointments the JobCentre team now positively engages with over 500 clients a month. Pre Covid, this figure was less than 200.

We increased the availability of online support and training and have issued 130 licences for free online Level 1 courses covering over 100 subjects. Additionally we have 20 individuals engaged in remote IT training in Microsoft applications certified up to Level 2 QCF.

We have increased the numbers of people engaged in Training Work placements and currently have 25 individuals actively engaged with employers.

We have put together a new scheme – The Manx restart Scheme – to incentivise employers to take on additional workforce. As of mid-December the scheme has attracted over 70 employers and 102 individuals. There are 120 places available on this scheme.


This survey is for people who have claimed either the Manx Earnings Replacement Allowance (MERA) or Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) over the last few months.

Why your views matter

Your answers will help the Social Security benefits teams and the Job Centre to target support to Island residents over the coming months.

It is anonymous, so if you’re looking for advice or support please get in touch with the Job Centre or Social Security benefits office.


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