Open activities
Establishment of a new Marine Nature Reserve along the east coast of the Isle of Man
Closed activities
Ground Handling Policy Consultation
The Isle of Man Civil Aviation Administration (IOM CAA), a division of the Department for Enterprise, is the aviation safety and security regulator for the Isle of Man and is also responsible for...
Insurance Regulations 2025, Insurance (Fees and Miscellaneous) (Amendment) Regulations 2025 and Insurance (Special Purpose Vehicle and Corporate Governance) (Amendment) Guidance Notes 2025
This Consultation Paper is issued by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority, which is the regulatory body for financial services in the Isle of Man. This consultation revises and follows on...
Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) (Amendment) Bill 2024
Views are sought from the public on the draft Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) (Amendment) Bill 2024 ('the Bill'). The draft Bill is available to view or download from the 'Related' section at...
Castletown Living Streets
Highways Services, Department of Infrastructure seeks views on proposals for improving the amenity and accessibility within residential areas of Castletown, the purpose of which is to create streets...
Consultation on Fire and Rescue Service and Fire Safety Policy Principles
This public consultation seeks to gather insight and feedback from the public regarding the Department's efforts in updating legislation in relation to the Fire and Rescue Service. The...
Commercial Property Survey
The Cabinet Office is seeking the views of the occupiers of commercial property to build an evidence base that will inform future planning policies. The responses from this questionnaire will be...
We asked, You said, We did
Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes
We asked
The purpose of the consultation by the IOM CAA was to seek views on the proposed policy for ground handling at certified aerodromes in the Isle of Man.
Feedback was sought on a number of areas including definition and scope, responsibilities for ground handling service providers (GHSP) and certified aerodromes, reporting requirements, and IOM CAA oversight activity.
You said
IOM CAA received 21 responses to the consultation. 7 responses were excluded from further analyses due to answers not being within scope of the consultation. Of the remaining 14 responses they were all broadly supportive of the policy being proposed with most responses receiving above 85% agreement.
Please see report for more detailed analysis.
We did
IOM CAA have reviewed all comments and express are gratitude for the time taken by respondents in providing their views. CP8 has been updated based on the views expressed.
We asked
This consultation sought views on employment status and the rights for agency workers.
You said
A summary of responses can be found in the documents below.
We did
At this time the Department will not progress any legislative changes during the remainder of the administration in regards to employment status. The Department can assist in making these definitions clearer without the need for legislation, such as in publicly available guidance.
Similarly, the Department will not progress the proposals on creation of a single status of worker. In regard to the right to time off for agency workers and partners to ante-natal appointments, the Department will undertake further work on the matter. Further information can be found in the summary document.
We asked
This consultation sought views on annual leave and rest breaks.
You said
A summary of responses can be found in the documents below.
We did
The Department will consider changes to statutory annual leave provision and in doing so, assess the impact of this across business sectors.
While the work on annual leave will not be immediate, the Department will be prioritising the introduction of a statutory right to a rest break for all workers, in addition to a statutory right to a rest period between working shifts in the forthcoming Employment (Amendment) Bill. Further information can be found in the summary document.