Engagement Hub

Consultation helps shape our work to inform the development of policy, projects and legislation. It helps us to find out your views and lets us know about any ideas or suggestions you may have. 

Eaisht lesh dagh cleaysh, eisht jean briwnys
Listen with each ear, then decide

We asked, You said, We did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes

We asked

The Health and Care Services Bill will amalgamate and modernise existing primary legislation underpinning health and care services. The purpose of the consultation by the Department of Health and Social Care was to inform the public about work undertaken to date and hear your views about how to make our health and care system better.

You said

There were 240 responses, received online and through the post. Responses were largely supportive of the work undertaken to date and can be seen below.

We did

The Department is grateful to all those who took time to respond to the consultation. The results will be considered and used to inform the policy principles which will underpin the Health and Care Services Bill.

Next Steps

The Department continues to work on policy development for the Health and Care Services Bill. Further public consultation will be published mid-2025 with a focus on specific issues relating to delivery of health and care services. Example topics include community healthcare provision and social care assessment frameworks.

We asked

The Isle of Man Financial Services Authority ('the Authority'), issued a Call for Input seeking engagement and views on the nature, prevalence and provision of Family Office-type services being offered ‘by way of business’ in or from the Island.

You said

The Authority received 17 responses to the Call for Input. The majority of these responses favoured a continuation of the current treatment of Family Office-type services being offered in for from the Island.

We did

The Authority has prepared a response document, which provides a summary of the feedback submitted to the Call for Input. No change to the treatment of Family Office-type services is proposed at this current time. The Authority is currently reviewing its wider exemptions and exclusions framework, and further consideration around Family Office type activity will feed into this wider project.

Additional public and stakeholder consultation and engagement will be undertaken where necessary.

We asked

The purpose of the consultation by the Department of Home Affairs was to seek public views on policing in the Isle of Man to help shape the Constabulary's focus, priorities and where resources are directed to.

You said

There were 324 responses to the consultation. The results are attached below, as a Summary of Responses document.

We did

The Department is grateful to all those who took time to respond to the consultation. The results have been considered and used to inform the Policing Plan 2024-25, alongside what we heard at the Constabulary roadshows, consultation with the Chief Constable, Community Safety Partnership, reporting from the Constabulary and other research.