Minimum Wage Review 2018

Closed 2 May 2018

Opened 21 Mar 2018


The Minimum Wage Committee is calling for information to support the current review of the rates of the Minimum Wage.

Why your views matter

The Minimum Wage Committee is obliged to make recommendations to the Treasury and Enterprise Ministers concerning the Minimum Wage. This is known as the 'Single Hourly Rate.'

There are key matters which the Committee must consider. These are:

  • the wider social and economic implications of any minimum wage to be prescribed under the Act
  • its likely effects on employment, especially amongst disadvantaged groups
  • inflation
  • its impact on the costs and competitiveness of businesses
  • the costs of industry and public authorities on the Island
  • its impact on pay, employment and competitiveness in low-paying sectors and small businesses
  • its effect on different groups of workers
  • the effect on pay structures
  • the interaction between minimum wage rates and the tax and benefit systems

The Committee is seeking views on these matters to help inform their recommendation.

The Minister for Enterprise has also asked the Committee to review these matters and to recommend any changes to the matters. The Committee is seeking views as to what it ought to consider going forward.

The Minister for Enterprise has also asked the Committee to consider the equality impacts of the age related wages.  

What happens next

The information received through this consultation will all be considered by the Minimum Wage Committee. The Committee may invite certain respondents to meet with it.  

The Committee will recommend whether there should be changes to any of the rates of the Minimum Wage. The Committee will also make recommendations about the equality impacts of the age related minimum wages.

The Department for Enterprise may use this to bring forward new Minimum Wage Regulations.

The Committee will also make recommendations about the matters it must consider.  The Department for Enterprise may use these to bring forward new Minimum Wage Committee Regulations.


  • All Areas


  • Elected members - MHKs
  • Elected members - local government
  • Tenants
  • Landlords
  • Employees
  • Older people
  • Homeowners
  • Self-employed
  • Students
  • Retired
  • Children & young people
  • Volunteers
  • Unemployed
  • Parents, carers and & guardians
  • People with disabilities or long term illness
  • Leaseholders/ landowners
  • Lesbian, gay, transgender & bisexual
  • Civil and public servants
  • Black & minority ethnic
  • Business owner
  • Road users
  • Visitors & tourists
  • Other non-resident - business interests


  • Finance
  • Economy