Response 428133972

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General – your perspective on the current scheme

1. Are you a cattle keeper?

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2. Is the eradication of BVD desirable?

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The eradication of any disease in livestock is desirable from all perspectives as it can only increase their health and well-being as well as improving the productivity and profitability of people’s herds.

3. What do you see as the benefits of BVD eradication?

Please give us your views
The potential higher health status of Manx cattle gives them better sales potential.
It also allows cattle to have healthier lifes.
It improves the growth rates and profits on Manx farms.

4. Are you content with the current testing programme and if not what would you like changed and why?

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I think the current testing program is very well suited to Manx agriculture as trying to tighten up any of the timescales could cause potential health and safety problems by clashing with some animals mothering instincts.

Removal of Persistently Infected Animals

5. Are you in favour of making the culling of PIs compulsory? This measure would need to allow a reasonable time period for re-sampling of suspect animals to confirm that they are PIs

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I think that if a farmer had not culled a PI within 4-6 weeks of being notified of it being a PI he should be forced to cull the animal.

6. If culling of PIs is made compulsory do you think that owners should be eligible for compensation?

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There is no direct compensation available at the moment, but there is a longer term compensation with the herd health benefits eradication entails so what more compensation is required. Also if it is a PI it has a negative value to the herd. Plus if they are keeping them they are not ensuring the welfare of their lifestock and should be fined.

7. If compensation for culled animals were to be payable how might such a scheme work including how much do you think would be a suitable amount and would decreasing the payment rate over time speed up culling?

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it wouldn’t!! Compensation also encourages people to keep PI’s to claim the compensation. Compulsory slaughter and financial penalties would have a faster effect then compensation on the eradication of BVD.

Further movement restrictions and biosecurity

8. As soon as infection is suspected (first non-negative antigen result received) the animal could be isolated from the rest of the herd e.g. by housing in a separate airspace. Are you in favour of introducing a new requirement to isolate virus positive animals?

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Yes it would be best practice to segregate anyway.

9. Are you in favour of extending restrictions for moving cattle OFF holdings which have infected animals, from just the current BVD ‘positive’ animal to all cattle on the holding (except direct for slaughter)?

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Yes as it would minimise chance of contamination from any infected animals to herds which have made an effort to eradicate the disease.

10. If the movement restriction were to be extended to include all cattle on the Holding would you be in favour of the restriction lasting for 3 – 6 weeks after the removal of infected animals to give time for residual infection to die down?

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If the animal is disposed of within 1 week of being identified I don’t believe there should be a movement restriction but if the animal is on the place for a longer period then i believe there should be a restrictive period.

11. A way to potentially evade such additional restrictions would be by submitting samples late. Are you in favour of imposing movement restrictions for holdings that are late in submitting samples until negative test results are received by the Department?

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Yes as all animals on the holding should have to have to be clear of bvd to move cattle to another holding.

12a. Preventing the movement of cattle onto an infected holding would reduce the risk of additional animals being infected. Are you in favour of introducing a prohibition of cattle movements on to a Holding containing PIs or test positive animals?

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Restrictions on cattle moving onto the holding could have finiancal implications for holders which have fully complied with all bvd restrictions and best practice.

12b. Should moves on to the BVD-infected holding be permitted, but limited to animals that have been vaccinated against BVD by a veterinary surgeon?

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Because again it causes a financial penalty to innocent farmers it should be the responsibility of the infected holding to ensure the animals are vaccinated and compliant with the bvd regulations and best practice.

13. If virus positive animals must be housed, how could inadvertent spread of BVD virus to other cattle via clothing/footwear/equipment be prevented?

Please give us your views
There should be bio security measures put in place as well as a full wash down after handling or being near infected stock for everything and everyone. This should also include the disposal of infected stock with the animal waste plant wagons and staff picking up PI animals, not being allowed on another holding until the PI has been disposed of and then the wagon and staff being fully disinfected at the plant!!

14. Should more use of biosecurity be encouraged, e.g. through guidance rather than via legislation?

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Government should always educate and guide as it is more effective to inform and educate people of why they should do something, rather then it being ‘because I tell you so’.

Imported Animals

15. Are you in favour of requiring pre-importation testing of all cattle?

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The current ‘tissue test’ tags are easy to use and you generally have thd result with a week. So I do not see a problem with this as you have to go though other processes to import anyway.

16. Are you in favour of extending the period of time that imported cattle are required to be isolated on farm for from 10 days to 21 days?

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Although the extra time would have financial implications the potential health benefits outweigh this.

17. Are you in favour of requiring cattle imported within the last 9 months (that are not Antibody negative) to be calved in isolation and retaining such calves in isolation until tested negative?

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Although I feel this would be a good idea it would be difficult and potentially extremely financially prohibiting to ensure and the fact that any PI’s would have to be killed anyway would hopefully minimise this effect.

Increasing the value of testing

18. Are you in favour of compulsory testing of older animals of unknown BVD status?

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I thought that the period earlier this year was to ensure such animals were tested. Also it is good practice to have no unknowns anyway!

19. Are you in favour of the compulsory re-testing of positive animals if they are still alive three weeks after initial testing to clarify if they are transiently or persistently infected?

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I believe anything still alive 3 weeks after an unknown or positive test should be retested to prove its status and if it’s infected it should be killed.

20. Where a virus positive animal is re-tested to establish if transient or persistent infection should the re-test be limited to a blood sample taken by private veterinary surgeon or is it acceptable for the keeper to re-sample using a management tag?

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If the keeper wishes to have an animal reclassified as TI from PI it should be on a blood test by vet fully recorded on the animal if it is to clarify ‘unknowns’ then re-sampling is an adequate response.

21. Are you in favour of the timescale for submission of samples to an approved laboratory being shortened to one week?

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As long as this is only samples having to be sent off within a week of tagging. If this is to shorten the period in which you must tag and register the calves then no as this has potential health and safety implications and could cause serious injuries or death due to the heighten maternal instincts of some cattle within the first days of calving

22. Are you in favour of the Department being able to have further analysis of samples performed?

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I would be in favour of the department useing more test on the tissue samples to improve the health of Manx bovines even if it wasn’t limited to just bvd but other bovine diseases or allowing the farmer to have more tests done on the tissue samples even if only to improve genomics.

23. Are you in favour of extending the information available on the location of holdings that have contained animals that had tested BVD virus positive from the current 6 weeks to one year?

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This would allow better monitoring of the disease by Manx farmers although it should maybe have a traffic light system so not to overly penalise the holders who actively kill PI’s within a short period compared to those who hold on to them.

24. Where the tissue tag has failed to produce a sample that is suitable for BVD testing, should management tags be allowed for retesting or should the animal be re-sampled by a private veterinarian i.e. blood tested?

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If it is only an unknown it should be allowed to be retagged to clarify its status as sometimes the tag can be at fault so it would be unfair for the farmer to have to pay for it to be retested by the vet.

25. Would you agree that management tags used for BVD tissue sampling must be printed with the animal’s official identification number?

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All of the official birth identification test tags should have the official number but tags for retests should just have a number to speed up the retesting process and also the speed up the pre-importing testing. Also management tags are for management perposes not official perposes.