Permitted Development Review

Closes 2 Sep 2024


Proposal 1: Replacement of the Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development) Order 2012

The majority of the existing permitted development is contained within the Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development) Order 2012. It is proposed to fully review/replace this order with the key changes including: 

  • targeted Amendments to a number of classes – including conditions/limitations applied
  • additional classes for play equipment on existing open space
  • A re-write of the provisions for extensions to dwellinghouses to allow larger extensions and additional classes for porches, dormers and chimney/flue/vent/soil pipes
  • Application of many classes of permitted development that apply outside of Conservation Area within Conservation Areas, but with additional safeguards and
  • Allowance for Repairs, Alterations and Replacements

The detail of the key proposed changes is set out in appendix 1 and the draft order is available to view separately. It should be noted that although this will be a replacement order, to assist in comparing the existing and new order the number of the classes has been kept the same.

Proposal 2: Alterations to the Town and Country Planning (Change of Use) (Development) (No. 2) Order 2019

Targeted changes are proposed to the Town and Country Planning (Change of Use) (Development) (No. 2) Order 2019 to ensure certain town centre uses have sufficient bin storage, allow for changes to/from self-contained tourist units, to allow the change from 2 dwellings to a combined dwelling (e.g. merging of flats) and to better control opening hours where a new use is a bar/cafe/restaurant. 

The detail of the key proposed changes is set out in appendix 2 and the draft order is available to view separately. 

Proposal 3: Alterations to Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development) (Temporary Use or Development) Order 2015

Targeted changes are proposed to the Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development) (Temporary Use or Development) Order to allow for public events on land which is owned or controlled by Government Departments, Local Authorities or Statutory Boards to allow for events such as concerts or circuses.  Expansion of what can be undertaken at the Grandstand/Nobles Park in relation to race-associated activity is proposed.

The detail of the key proposed changes is set out in appendix 3 and the draft order is available to view separately.