Changes to allow Industrial Hemp production

Closed 20 Mar 2019

Opened 6 Feb 2019

Feedback updated 17 Jun 2019

We asked

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) consulted local residents on a framework for licensing hemp for industrial use on the Isle of Man.

Industrial hemp is grown for commercial use as a fibre or foodstuff. Hemp is a variety of cannabis sativa and is one of a number of plant species that can be used for fibre production. Hemp varieties contain very low levels of the chemical delt-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and, therefore, do not have the psychoactive properties of cannabis used for recreational use.

Under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1976, it is illegal to cultivate any plant of the genus cannabis. Therefore, growing hemp for industrial purposes at the present time is also illegal under the Act.

However the Act does make provision for the DHSC to make regulations that would enable licenses to be granted to grow cannabis species. Therefore, through the consultation process the DHSC sought the views of Isle of Man residents on the acceptability of industrial hemp as a commercial crop.

You said

We received 1,012 responses from Isle of Man residents and local organisations (99% from individuals).

97% of respondents support the introduction of a regulatory framework within which industrial hemp production could be permitted on the Isle of Man.

The majority of respondents (63%) supported a similar framework to that currently in place in the UK however respondents were split almost 50-50 between keeping the UK framework as it is and wanting changes to the UK framework before implementation in the Isle of Man.

Please see report for more a detailed analysis.

We did

Analysed responses will now be made available to politicians to consider next steps.

Results updated 17 Jun 2019



The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is consulting on the framework for licensing Hemp for industrial use.

Industrial Hemp is grown for commercial use as a fibre or foodstuff.  Hemp is one of a number of plant species that can be used for fibre production.  

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Why your views matter

We are seeking the views of local residents on a regulatory framework for industrial hemp that could open up economic opportunities for its production on the Isle of Man.


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