Public Consultation on the Mid Rent Housing Option

Closed 10 Dec 2020

Opened 29 Oct 2020

Feedback updated 8 Mar 2021

We asked

The purpose of the consultation was to gather views regarding the Department’s existing Mid Rent Housing pilot scheme and its current eligibility criteria and pointing system.

You said

62 responses were received to our survey, 60 of which were submitted on the Consultation Hub, the remaining responses were submitted via email. We received a wide range of comments in the responses, in particular we received many different views about the financial and Island Residency thresholds that should be applied to Mid Rent Housing applicants. All responses received during the consultation have been considered and are assisting the Department to further develop a Mid Rent Housing Policy.

We did

The Department has prepared a response report which has received Ministerial approval. We are now working with members of the Housing Operations Team to review the feedback received during the consultation and carryout of further research into similar projects to evaluate how this project should proceed in the future.

Results updated 8 Mar 2021



The purpose of this consultation is to gather views about Mid Rent Housing and focuses on the access and eligibility aspects of mid-rent as a new affordable housing product. 

Mid rent housing is a affordable housing product designed to assist those that may not be eligible for Public Sector Housing to access a property with affordable rent, in order to assist them to save for a deposit to purchase their first home.

In previous consultations the public expressed a wish for the principle of mid-rental and rent to buy to be an option for housing, therefore the Department has, since 2017, been operating a de minimis pilot (‘scheme’) for 5 mid-rental properties in Cronk Cullyn, Colby, which has been successful. Following the popularity and demand for this housing option we would like to develop a formal policy to support the Department’s intention to have more mid rent properties available around the Island.

Why your views matter

The purpose of this consultation is to invite comments on the draft eligibility & allocation criteria, its relevance and fairness, and to seek views as to whether further revision is required as part of the policy development. The feedback received from the consultation will be used in drafting a mid-rental Allocation Policy prior to consideration by Tynwald.

What happens next

After the closing date, we will review all feedback and will publish a consultation response report to the hub; this report will define what actions will be taken in respect of policy development.


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