Using Bus Vannin Services if you have a disability

Closed 27 Sep 2021

Opened 16 Aug 2021

Feedback updated 16 Dec 2021

We asked

People with a disability, their carers, and their families, about the barriers they have experienced or are concerned about to using Bus Vannin services. We asked for this information to help identify and prioritise improvements that could be made to enable more people to use and enjoy the Island’s bus service.  

You said

A total of 246 responses to the consultation were received.  Of these, 134 were from people with a disability, with 111 received from friends or family members of people with disabilities. 1 person did not answer this question. 

100 people reported that they had a disability that affected their mobility, and 79 people reported that they had a long term illness, disease or condition. Just over half of all respondents reported that their day-to-day activities were limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months.

The top 3 reasons for using the bus were leisure, shopping, and medical appointments. There was very limited use of the bus to travel to school and to work by respondents.

127 responses were received in response to the question regarding barriers in accessing or travelling by bus by persons with a disability. The most significant barrier was seen as being poor pavements/uneven surfaces.This was followed by obstacles on the walkway. 

A similar response was received from people who assist a person with a disability, with the biggest obstacle again being poor pavements/uneven surfaces. 

Responses to the ability to find information about the buses from the timetables was fairly evenly spread,  with the majority or respondents reporting in the mid-ranges of easy and difficult, and a small number at either end of the scale. A larger number of respondents found it difficult to find information about the buses on social media. Approximately half of all respondents did not answer the questions about the ease of finding bus information. 

Almost half of respondents believed that all bus stops should be made accessible. Only 22 respondents agreed that only those bus stops that serve large populations and busy services should be made accessible, with half of respondents not answering this question. 

42 respondents confirmed that they are wheelchair/mobility scooter users.  Of this group, the greatest barriers reported were as follows:

  • poor pavements, reported by 38 (90%) respondents, followed by
  • obstacles on the pavements/paths reported by 29 (69%) respondents

Mobility space occupied by another mobility aid or pram was a more significant barrier, experienced by 21 (50%) and 24 (57%) respondents than the inability to carry mobility aid: 12 (28%) respondents.

Accessibility of bus stops at the start and the end of the journey was a comparable barrier to occupation of the mobility space, experienced by 21 (50%) respondents, whilst 19 (45%) respondents reported a lack of information about accessible bus stops to be a barrier.

A copy of the summary report can be accessed below.

We did

The information will be used to further explore accessibility issues for people with disabilities on the Isle of Man by the Bus Vannin Accessibility Steering Group.

Results updated 16 Dec 2021



The Department of Infrastructure would like to make it easier for people with disabilities to use Bus Vannin services.  To do this we are seeking views from people with a disability, their carers and their families, to find out the barriers to using Bus Vannin they have experienced, or are concerned about.

Why your views matter

We have already undertaken a consultation regarding concessionary fares, and are in the process of considering the responses to that consultation with our colleagues in the Department of Health & Social Security, the Department of Education Sport and Culture, and the Treasury.   This will help us in our work to bring the Concessionary Fare Regulations to Tynwald later in 2021.  The initial findings of that consultation have already been published on the Consultation Hub in “We Asked, You Said, We Did”.

This consultation moves forward from this and we want to hear from anyone who has or represents someone with a disability so that we can be sure we’re doing all we can to enable everyone to use and enjoy the Island’s bus service.

Please read our Privacy Policy for more details and your rights.

Data Protection

The Department of Infrastructure is a controller under current Data Protection Legislation.  We will hold the personal information provided for the purposes of this consultation only.  Further details can be found; it provides more information about the way in which we use, share and store your personal information, and what your rights are.  You can also contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing or ringing 686785.


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  • People with disabilities or long term illness


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