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18 results

  • Consultation on Policing in the Isle of Man

    The Department of Home Affairs is undertaking public policy consultation to help shape the policies, objectives and priorities and the means by which it is intended that they be achieved. The Department proposes to aim for the Isle of Man to continue to be the safest Island in the British Isles, for victims to be at the centre and for the three overall aims for the Constabulary to be to protect the vulnerable, reduce harm and tackle criminality. These three aims, while... More
    Closed 24 May 2024
  • National Infrastructure Security Bill (NISB) – Public Consultation

    Isle of Man residents should have confidence in the security and resilience of national infrastructure sectors to deliver essential goods and services. Essential services – such as our electricity grid, water supply and telecommunication systems should be able to withstand and recover from hazards that might disrupt their functions. Unfortunately, hostile entities and criminals have recognised that this dependency creates an opportunity for what have become known as... More
    Closed 25 March 2024
  • Policy consultation on 'general attendance' requirements under the Liquor Licensing and Public Entertainments Act 2021

    The Department of Home Affairs is undertaking public policy consultation around potential change to the 'general attendance' requirements for Licensees and Responsible People. These are presently set out at section 24 Licensee or responsible person to be on licensed premises at all times of the Liquor Licensing and Public Entertainments Act 2021 and supplemented by regulation 40 Presence on premises: exceptions of the Liquor Licensing and Public Entertainments Regulations 2022 . ... More
    Closed 8 December 2023
  • Informing Policy to Minimise the Harms Associated with Drug Use in the Isle of Man: Public Views and Preferences

    We want to hear from members of the public and community groups, to find out more about views and opinions of what people think about issues related to illicit drug use, and the ways in which policy and practice can be developed in order to reduce harms and best support those people affected by use – whether their own, or other people’s. This follows a Tynwald resolution in December 2020 to review our strategy in addressing the harms of illegal drugs. A report was presented in June... More
    Closed 5 June 2023
  • Consultation on Secondary Legislation and Codes of Practice under The Liquor Licensing and Public Entertainments Act 2021

    The Department of Home Affairs is undertaking public consultation on the proposed Regulations made under the Liquor Licensing and Public Entertainments Act 2021 and associated Codes of Practice. These proposed Regulations, intended to come into operation by 1 November 2022, will meet a statutory commitment within section 12 of the Liquor Licensing and Public Entertainments Act 2021. The consultation document sets out a brief overview of each Part of the Regulations, highlights any... More
    Closed 4 September 2022
  • About the Review

    In November 2020, the Tynwald Constitutional and Legal Affairs and Justice Committee concluded a report on Legal Services in the Isle of Man, which included recommendations on reforms to the legal services framework in the Isle of Man. In April 2021, the Council of Ministers provided its response to the Committee’s report, including amendments to the recommendations. The report and its amended recommendations were approved by Tynwald at that sitting . One of the... More
    Closed 31 May 2022
  • About Edward Garnier QC

    Edward, Lord Garnier QC is a highly experienced barrister in England & Wales and Northern Ireland. His practise includes corporate advisory and financial services work, corporate crime and international human rights as well as defamation, privacy, confidence, malicious falsehood, contempt and related media law cases. His extensive experience in practice is underpinned by a parallel career in politics and as one of the Government’s two Law Officers: he served as an MP from 1992 until... More
    Closed 31 May 2022
  • Submit a response

    All submissions to the independent review of legal services are welcome. Please note that Edward Garnier QC cannot consider individual cases or matters that are currently sub-judice. While all submissions will be considered, it will not be possible for Edward Garnier QC to meet every person individually. More
    Closed 31 May 2022
  • Cyber Security Survey 2021

    The Isle of Man’s National Cyber Security Strategy seeks to deliver opportunities and services for better protection from cyber-attacks and improve cyber resilience through collaboration with business and the public. This survey aims to measure the level of cyber security awareness and knowledge in the Isle of Man. The results of previous Isle of Man Government Cyber Surveys have informed 12 month communications campaigns to raise awareness of the... More
    Closed 13 September 2021
  • Consultation On The Liquor Licensing And Public Entertainments Bill 2021

    The Department of Home Affairs is conducting this consultation to invite comments on the draft Liquor Licensing and Public Entertainments Bill 2021. This proposed Bill is designed to consolidate and update the legislation relating to alcohol licensing and music and dancing, with the aim of bringing about a standards driven, safety orientated, less bureaucratic and more flexible licensing regime. More
    Closed 29 April 2021
  • Proposed Alcohol Licensing Legislation Changes

    The Department of Home Affairs is conducting this consultation to seek your views on planned changes to the alcohol licensing regime in the Island. The consultation asks questions about the policy principles which will underpin forthcoming licensing legislation. Please provide your comments on as many of the points as possible to ensure that we can fully understand and consider your views. More
    Closed 18 January 2021
  • Cyber Security Survey 2020

    This survey aims to measure awareness of cyber security in the Isle of Man. It is part of the Isle of Man’s National Cyber Security Strategy which aims to protect the Island from cyber-attack and improve cyber resilience through collaboration with business and the public. The results of the Isle of Man Government’s Cyber Survey 2019 informed a 12 month communications campaign to raise awareness of the importance of good practice for everyday online activities.... More
    Closed 26 July 2020
  • Consultation on Liquor Licensing (Occasional Licences) (Temporary Modification) Order 2019

    We are seeking views on proposed amendments, by Order, to the Licensing Act 1995. The purpose of the draft Order is to temporarily modify section 14 of the Act (occasional licences) so as to enable an occasional licence to be granted for a period of a maximum of 21 days in total from Wednesday 27 May 2020 to Tuesday 16 June 2020, being the TT qualification and race period and adjoining days. What this means in effect is the short term licence to serve alcohol in a... More
    Closed 1 November 2019
  • Amendments to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 2001

    The Department of Home Affairs is seeking to obtain views on the proposed amendments, by Order, to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 2001. The purpose of the Order is to minimise the disparity between the timelines for ‘spent’ convictions found in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 2001 and those in the United Kingdom’s Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (an Act of Parliament). More
    Closed 12 September 2019
  • Sexual Offences and Obscene Publications Bill

    The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) is consulting on a draft Sexual Offences and Obscene Publications Bill 2018. The purpose of the Bill is to modernise and consolidate the legislation and address important matters such as: updating the definition of consent to ensure that it provides appropriate and clear protection for victims reviewing sentences for offences addressing image-based abuse modernising the legislation... More
    Closed 4 February 2019
  • Criminal Justice, Offender Management, Sentencing and Domestic Abuse

    The Department of Home Affairs is consulting on three Bills that arise out of the Criminal Justice Strategy [GD 0061/12] (the Strategy), which was published, consulted upon and then received at the December 2012 sitting of Tynwald. This consultation will play an important part both in implementing the Strategy and in further directing the modernisation of criminal justice in the Isle of Man. More
    Closed 20 August 2018
  • Proposals to contract certain police functions

    This is intended to empower the Department to engage in contractual arrangements for the provision of support services in the police custody suite and for the undertaking of independent investigations into police complaints or conduct matters. Paper copies and large print copies of the consultation documents may be supplied upon request. More
    Closed 5 September 2017
  • Secondary Legislation for the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 2016

    Views are sought on the three items of subordinate legislation necessary to enable the Act to be brought into operation on 1 April 2017. There are two codes: The first code guides the police as to the conduct and recording of criminal investigations The second code relates to the conduct by the police of interviews of witnesses disclosed by the defence. The set of draft regulations propose time periods within which the parties involved in a criminal case going for... More
    Closed 8 February 2017
18 results. Page 1 of 1