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373 results

  • Consultation on the draft Adoption Bill

    The purpose of the consultation is to collect views on proposed new legislation which aims to update the law on the Island in relation to the adoption of children. More
    Opened 14 September 2020
  • Beneficial Ownership (Amendment) Bill 2020

    In order to address several compliance deficiencies identified in the Island’s Mutual Evaluation Report 2016, conducted by MONEYVAL, a small number of amendments are being recommended to the Beneficial Ownership Act 2017 , which are intended to improve the accuracy of the beneficial ownership database and meet international standards regarding timeliness. The changes identified will also contribute to the work that the Isle of Man is undertaking in relation to its public... More
    Opened 9 September 2020
  • Census questions survey

    This consultation concerns potential questions for inclusion in the 2021 Isle of Man census. More
    Opened 22 August 2020
  • Civil Contingencies Bill 2020

    This consultation is about the development of new legislation to replace the Emergency Powers Act 1936, which was used during the Island’s recent response to Covid-19. Broadly, ‘Civil Contingencies’ concern responses to emergencies, whether they be public health, natural, or otherwise. The Bill moves the power to make emergency regulations from the Governor in Council [i.e. the Lieutenant Governor acting on the advice of, and with the concurrence of,... More
    Opened 21 August 2020
  • Capacity Bill 2021 Principles

    This consultation seeks views and, where relevant, evidence to support those views, on the policies that will shape the Island’s new Capacity laws. There are a number of questions throughout this consultation paper. They are there to guide you when responding and should not be taken to be prescriptive or restrictive; you are free to raise any points or make any comments that you believe to be relevant. This consultation paper seeks views from everyone. We... More
    Opened 21 August 2020
  • Courts, Tribunals and Local Authority Procedures, and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2020

    During the COVID-19 pandemic Government, Local Authorities and the Courts all worked under the provisions of the Emergency Powers Act 1936. Some positive operational changes to practices and protocols were made under the Emergency Powers Act 1936, it is proposed that these be retained and made permanent. On 26 June 2020 Tynwald approved the Emergency Powers (Coronavirus) (Continuation) (No 2) Regulations 2020. The Regulations remain in operation for 6 months from the last day... More
    Opened 17 August 2020
  • Proposed legislation to update the Merchant Shipping (Manning & STCW) Regulations

    The Isle of Man Ship Registry is consulting on Regulations to update the Ship Registry’s existing Merchant Shipping (Manning & STCW) Regulations to give effect to the latest amendments to the STCW Convention. The purpose of the STCW Convention is to promote safety of life at sea and to protect the marine environment by establishing international standards on training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers. The latest amendments are for training and certification for seafarers... More
    Opened 10 August 2020
  • Voucher Survey

    Dear Parent/Guardian, The food shopping voucher scheme that was introduced during the COVID19 pandemic on the Island has now been extended from July to September 2020. We would very much like to understand the challenges faced by parents and carers during the school holiday periods and are currently seeking your views on the voucher scheme taking place during summer 2020. The survey is anonymous and no personal identifying information will be requested. ... More
    Opened 8 August 2020
  • Credit Unions – Savings Limit Change

    A proposal to make an Order that will increase the limit for savings in a credit union. More
    Opened 3 August 2020
  • Remote Learning review survey 2020

    Seeking stakeholder views on IOM schools’ remote learning provision during the Covid-19 school closures More
    Opened 27 July 2020
  • Climate Change Bill Consultation

    This consultation is about the development of the Climate Change Bill, a fundamental part of climate action on the Island, necessary to meet the Chief Minister’s target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. More
    Opened 21 July 2020
  • Support requirements for those claiming the Manx Earnings Replacement Allowance (MERA) or Job Seeker's Allowance (JSA)

    This survey is for people who have claimed either the Manx Earnings Replacement Allowance (MERA) or Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) over the last few months. More
    Opened 16 July 2020
  • The Introduction of Water Quality Objectives and Environmental Quality Standards

    The Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture is seeking views on proposals to introduce Water Quality Objectives (WQO) and Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) to assess water quality and monitor compliance for inland, coastal and bathing waters in the Isle of Man. Water quality can be affected by many factors including agricultural run-off, domestic sewage and heavy metals from historic mining activity. The proposed new Environmental Quality Standards (EQS)... More
    Opened 15 July 2020
  • Cyber Security Survey 2020

    This survey aims to measure awareness of cyber security in the Isle of Man. It is part of the Isle of Man’s National Cyber Security Strategy which aims to protect the Island from cyber-attack and improve cyber resilience through collaboration with business and the public. The results of the Isle of Man Government’s Cyber Survey 2019 informed a 12 month communications campaign to raise awareness of the importance of good practice for everyday online activities.... More
    Opened 7 July 2020
  • Equality Act 2017 Draft Code of Practice on Equal Pay

    The Equality Act 2017 (the Act) is an important piece of social legislation that seeks to ensure fair and equal treatment, to allow for social and economic inclusion in both the economy and society. It consolidates, enhances and replaces earlier discrimination legislation including the Employment (Sex Discrimination) Act 2000 (ESDA), which contained provisions in relation to equal pay. Historically women have been paid less than men. The 2019 Isle of Man Government... More
    Opened 19 June 2020
  • The Landlord Registration (Private Housing) Bill 2020

    The Landlord Registration (Private Housing) Bill 2020 will allow the introduction of mandatory regulation of landlords and their properties, and enable enforcement of minimum standards. Introduction by Minister of Infrastructure Currently the Isle of Man does not have any formal regulation of the private rented sector other than enforcement of habitation standards which are overseen by the Environmental Health Team of the Department for Environment, Food and Agriculture on... More
    Opened 15 June 2020
  • Draft Wayleaves Bill

    The Draft Wayleaves Bill seeks to enable existing government infrastructure to be used in order to greatly enhance the provision of high speed commercial telecommunications services throughout the Island to the benefit of residents and businesses. It will enable equipment to be installed where the means to do so is already in place but has not previously been utilised, and for no additional payment over and above what has already been, or is being paid for the loss of amenity. The Bill... More
    Opened 28 May 2020
  • Minimum Capital Requirements for Non Long-Term Business PCCs and ICCs

    The consultation is to obtain views in relation to proposed minimum capital requirements for PCCs and ICCs under the new valuation and solvency regime for non long-term business. More
    Opened 3 April 2020
  • Updates to Regulations Applying International Marine Pollution Prevention Regulations

    Updates to Regulations Applying International Marine Pollution Prevention Regulations in particular MARPOL Annexes III-VI and Protocol I. More
    Opened 2 April 2020
  • Proposed legislation to comply with the Isle of Man's commitment to the Montreal Protocol, EU Ozone-Depleting Substances and Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Regulations

    The proposed Regulations will be of particular interest to all undertakings, as defined in Article 3(26) of the EU ODS Regulation [1] or Article 2(30) of the EU F-Gas Regulation [2] , which produce, recover, recycle, reclaim, use, destroy or trade in Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) or Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases (F-Gases); or which operate refrigeration, air-conditioning or heat pump equipment, or fire protection systems, which contain ODS or... More
    Opened 1 April 2020
  • Creating a new Organisation to Provide Health and Social Care Services - Manx Care

    Following Sir Jonathan Michael’s Independent Review of the Health and Care Service, the Health and Care Transformation Programme within the Cabinet Office has been working to implement the recommendations. Amongst the recommended areas to change was that the Department of Health and Social Care (‘DHSC’) currently sets the policy for health and social care as well as taking responsibility for delivering health and social care services. This means senior staff have a dual... More
    Opened 6 March 2020
  • Survey into Consumer Switching

    This survey does not ask for any personal data. Please do not include any of your personal data in the free text boxes. If you wish to discuss a particular issue with our office please contact us on +44 1624 677022 or More
    Opened 4 March 2020
  • Proposed legislation to update and replace the Isle of Man Ship Registry's Accident Reporting and Investigation Regulations.

    The Isle of Man Ship Registry is consulting on Regulations to give effect to the International Maritime Organisation’s Casualty Investigation Code. The Ship Registry also intends to include requirements for investigating accidents on ships not covered by the IMO Code (for example fishing boats and pleasure vessels). The new Regulations will replace the existing Isle of Man Merchant Shipping (Accident Reporting & Investigation) Regulations 2001. Please be aware this is a legislation... More
    Opened 2 March 2020
  • Civil Legal Aid

    Consultation closing date extended to Thursday 21 May 2020 This consultation is part of a wider 'Legal Aid Review' project, which is being led by HM Attorney General on behalf of the Securing Added Value and Efficiencies ('SAVE') Sub-Committee of the Council of Ministers. The project is being carried out in two parts to reflect both types of Legal Aid available in the Island, which are Civil and Criminal. This consultation focusses on Civil Legal Aid only. A... More
    Opened 17 February 2020
  • Modifications to the Draft Area Plan for the East

    The Inquiry into the Draft Area Plan for the East concluded at the beginning of October 2019. The Department received the Inspector’s Report of the Inquiry in November 2019 which detailed a number of recommendations to the Draft Plan. After careful consideration of these recommendations, Cabinet Office proposes to adopt the plan with modifications which are now being published. PLEASE NOTE - The online survey refers to a number of documents, it will be beneficial... More
    Opened 14 February 2020
  • 2020 - Future Constitution of the Communications Commission

    As the Communications Bill 2018 (the Bill) has passed through the Legislative Branches there has been much debate as to the structure of the Communications Commission (the Commission); specifically, regarding the appropriateness of having a political Chairperson. As well as this the National Telecommunications Strategy recommended that the Commission “review its processes, procedures, and structure on enactment of the Communications Bill”. As a result of this... More
    Opened 3 February 2020
  • Reform of the Planning System - Proposed Amendments to Increased Permitted Development

    The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on proposed changes to secondary legislation to enable certain types of development to take place without the need for a specific planning application (sometimes called ‘Permitted Development’). More
    Opened 3 February 2020
  • Flexible Working Regulations 2020

    The draft Flexible Working Regulations 2020 are intended to replace the existing Flexible Working Regulations 2007. The Regulations set out some of the requirements for employees in making a request for flexible working and for employers in dealing with such requests. More
    Opened 31 January 2020
  • CP19-10/T11 - Corporate Governance Code of Practice for Insurers

    The purpose of the consultation is to obtain views and evidence in relation to proposed changes to the current Corporate Governance Code of Practice for Commercial Insurers (which came into operation on 1 January 2019), including extending the proposed amended code on a proportionate basis to all Isle of Man authorised insurers. More
    Opened 23 December 2019
  • TT Course Road Closure Schedule Changes 2020

    The Organisers of the TT, Classic TT and Manx Grand Prix Races wish to alter some of the road closure times during the TT in 2020 and, if they prove successful, carry these changes through to the Classic TT and Manx Grand Prix event period as well. The Department is consulting on behalf of the organisers to obtain feedback into the proposed changes for 2020. More
    Opened 13 December 2019
373 results. Page 7 of 13