Proposed Ramsey (Boundary Extension) Order 2023

Closed 9 Aug 2023

Opened 21 Jun 2023

Results updated 10 Oct 2023

Due to the size of some of the submissions to the Consultation it was not possible to put the documents in the consultation response page, however, to see those responses please see below.


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Ramsey Town Commissioners have made an application to the Department of Infrastructure for an Order under Section 6 of the Local Government Act 1985 seeking to extend by Order, the boundary of the town of Ramsey Town. The Order provides for the adjustment of the boundaries between the districts of Ramsey, Lezayre and Garff (Maughold Ward) so as to remove various areas from Lezayre and Garff and to include within Ramsey’s boundary. 

As part of the process for considering the application, legislation requires that a public inquiry be held. This will give stakeholders and interested parties an opportunity to comment on the proposals.

After the inquiry, the Department will consider the Chairperson’s report which may or may not recommend that an Order be made to adjust the boundaries between the town of Ramsey and the districts of Lezayre/ Garff (Maughold Ward). The Department must then consider the Chairperson’s report. Should the Department determine that an Order is made that Order would be subject to the approval of Tynwald.

Why your views matter

In 2004, Tynwald considered a report from the Council of Ministers titled ‘Local Government Boundary Extensions: Guidelines on Procedure’ which stipulates that 'Public Notices shall be placed in the local press inviting submissions from interested members of the public'. Please be advised that any submissions made in response to the public notices will be forwarded to the inquiry Chairperson, once appointed, after which an inquiry date will then be set.  

Set out within this same report are the criteria for the consideration of local government boundary extensions. When making the application, Ramsey Town Commissioners provided detail in relation to each of these criteria which is available to download from this site (within the 'Related' section below).

Criteria for the Consideration of Local Government Boundary Extensions

  1. that the promoters’ area and the area/s sought are really one community
  2. that there is community of interest in all or most public services, social agencies (for example schools, doctors’ surgery/ies, recreation areas and community halls) and communal requirements of the future
  3. that the area sought is an overspill or outgrowth of the promoters’ area
  4. that, wherever possible, clear physical boundaries are followed
  5. that there is insufficient acreage left for the development of the promoters’ area within its borders and injury is suffered thereby
  6. that the balance of advantage lies in the acceptance of the scheme, though it may generally be admitted that the area sought may be valuable in various ways to the local authority by whom they are now governed

The following shall not be considered by the Inquiry under s.6 of the Local Government Act 1985:

  • the financial impact on an authority either beneficially or negatively through the rateable income of a boundary application

Responding to this consultation

You are invited to focus your response in relation to these criteria or simply advise of any other views or relevant factors that you feel should be considered when determining the application.

You can respond to this consultation online by clicking on the 'Online Survey' link below. Alternatively, you can submit your response by email to or by post to:

Local Government Team,
Department of Infrastructure,
Sea Terminal,

The closing date for responses is Wednesday 9 August 2023.

What happens next

As part of the process for considering the application, legislation requires that a public inquiry be held. This will give stakeholders and interested parties an opportunity to comment on the proposals.

All views received through this consultation (including any of your personal data that you supply to us) will be passed to the Chairperson of the public inquiry to assist with the determination of inquiry matters.

After the Inquiry, the Department will consider the Chairperson’s report which may or may not recommend that an Order be made to adjust the boundaries between Ramsey and Lezayre and Maughold. Should the Department determine that an Order is made that Order would be subject to the approval of Tynwald.

On the 22-24 January 2024, a Public Inquiry held and chaired by Mr Peter Taylor.

The Chairman has prepared a report and made recommendation within that report Department of Infrastructure.

The Department has considered that report and concurs with the Inquiry Chairman’s recommendation that the application for the expansion of the Town boundaries of Ramsey should not be accepted.

The Department has therefore determined that it will not be making an Order under Section 6 of the Local Government Act 1985 to alter the boundaries to the town district of Ramsey.

A copy of the final report can be found below.


  • Garff
  • Lezayre
  • Ramsey


  • All residents


  • Local Plans
  • Land & Property