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373 results

  • Fees Orders and Regulations 2023

    Further to the related news release (Feedback sought on fees legislation) on 18 October 2022 , the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority (‘the Authority’) has today issued a Consultation Paper on the Fees Orders and Regulations for 2023 (CP22-05). More
    Closed 29 November 2022
  • Consultation on the Modernisation of Insolvency Law

    One of the strategic objectives of the Government in Our Island Plan is the aim of building a 'strong and diverse economy'. It is a fact that not all businesses succeed, and not all businesses carry on forever. Some businesses, whether large or very small, will become insolvent and it is important for the Island’s economic and social well-being, as well as its international standing, that we review our insolvency law to see if it needs improving to reflect the requirements of today’s... More
    Closed 5 December 2022
  • Refugee Policy Consultation

    In March 2022, the Isle of Man welcomed its first Ukrainian guests to the Island under the Isle of Man Homes for Ukraine Scheme. Since this date, over 100 Ukrainian guests have been given leave to come and live in the Isle of Man. Prior to the invasion of Ukraine, the Isle of Man Government had no established policy regarding refugees, and the issue was last discussed following the conflict in Syria. The Government position at that time was that hosting Syrian refugees would... More
    Closed 13 December 2022
  • Policy Proposals - Public Sector Payments Bill

    The Public Sector Payments Bill is a proposed piece of legislation that will replace the Payment of Members Expenses Act 1989 ('the 1989 Act'). The main aim of the new legislation is to modernise the statutory arrangements that enable the remuneration of members of various offices and bodies. This consultation seeks views on ten key policy proposal areas. More
    Closed 6 January 2023
  • Assisted Dying - Private Members' Bill

    *The content within this consultation is provided by the Member responsible, Dr Alex Allinson MHK, and is a parliamentary matter for Members of Tynwald* Modern medicine and science continues to advance effective treatments and cures for a whole range of illnesses. Palliative care has revolutionised the way we approach terminal illnesses and death. And yet there have been consistent calls and campaigns for individuals to be allowed greater autonomy and choice when they approach the... More
    Closed 26 January 2023
  • Consultation on the Sanctions Bill 2022

    This consultation seeks your views on the Sanctions Bill 2022 (the 'Bill'), which aims to improve the legislative framework for implementing United Nations and United Kingdom sanctions regimes. Background The Isle of Man Government policy in relation to international sanctions measures is to implement such measures in line with those in force in the United Kingdom from time to time. Also, the Isle of Man, through the United Kingdom’s membership of the United Nations,... More
    Closed 27 January 2023
  • Consultation on the Vapour Products Bill 2023

    Vaping devices, commonly referred to as vapes or e-cigarettes, heat up a vaping liquid or gel to create a vapour that you can inhale. Vaping liquids typically contains nicotine, but may be used to deliver flavoured products or drugs such as cannabis or Spice (a synthetic drug similar to cannabis). Evidence points to vaping being considerably safer than tobacco smoking for established smokers, and vaping is presently the number one method for adult smokers to quit, or... More
    Closed 29 January 2023
  • Secondary School Uniforms in Isle of Man Schools

    The Isle of Man Government has committed to consulting the public with a view to introducing guidance, where possible or required, to the Island’s secondary schools to inform their school uniform policies. Head teachers, together with their governing bodies, set the uniform policy and guidelines in each school. Any guidance resulting from this consultation would aim to address any potential parity issues around secondary school uniform, where possible and practicable to... More
    Closed 16 February 2023
  • Consultation on the Draft Isle of Man Fisheries Statement

    This consultation seeks views on the Draft Isle of Man Fisheries Statement, which sets out the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture’s principles, objectives, and priorities for the sustainable management of sea fisheries post-Brexit. Download the Draft Isle of Man Fisheries Statement . More
    Closed 24 February 2023
  • Consultation on the use of medicines and alternative non-medical therapies in chronic pain

    Manx Care would like to understand whether people experiencing long term (chronic) pain are given access to the right services to meet their needs. Your response will help inform the development of new services to better meet the needs of people living with chronic pain.  Chronic pain may begin with an injury but the pain does not resolve as expected; often it is not clear how the chronic pain started. Common types of chronic pain include lower back pain, pain related to... More
    Closed 6 March 2023
  • Have you changed your home energy habits?

    We'd like to know if the Small Changes Make A Big Difference (an Island-wide campaign) has encouraged you to reduce your energy consumption at home and save money on your household bills. The campaign launched in October 2022, with the aim of helping residents through the cost of living crisis by providing tips and guidance on how to reduce their energy consumption at home and also signpost to government funding schemes and help from charitable organisations. More
    Closed 17 April 2023
  • Audit Working Papers Regulations 2023

    It proposes legislation under the Companies Acts of 1982 and 2006 to require predecessor auditors to share audit working papers with successor auditors. More
    Closed 21 April 2023
  • Further reforms to the work permit system

    The Department is considering further reforms to the work permit system in line with a commitment in the Island Plan and in support of the ambitions of the Economic Strategy. The Department wishes to seek feedback on proposals to further reform work permits, in order to fully inform any final proposals brought forward. More
    Closed 28 April 2023
  • Consultation on proposals relating to Building Control approval for new buildings containing fossil fuel heating systems

    We are seeking views on proposals to refuse Building Control approval on applications for new buildings containing fossil fuel heating systems from 1 August 2023, as a way of effectively bringing forward the 1 January 2025 ban prohibiting installation of such systems. The proposal is following an action within the Climate Change Action Plan 2022 – 27, approved by Tynwald last year to “Bring forward the ban on fossil fuel heating systems in new builds to... More
    Closed 12 May 2023
  • Consultation on the future use of the Sulby Claddagh

    The Department of Environment, Food and Agriculure (DEFA) is seeking the views of the public, Local Authorities and other interest groups on the future use of Sulby Claddagh. It is imperative that we find a satisfactory future management option for the Claddagh. However, with its unique status, history and geographical location, the Sulby Claddagh has potential to be enhanced and promoted for the benefit of all. An opportunity exists to ensure the Claddagh maintains and improves... More
    Closed 26 May 2023
  • Informing Policy to Minimise the Harms Associated with Drug Use in the Isle of Man: Public Views and Preferences

    We want to hear from members of the public and community groups, to find out more about views and opinions of what people think about issues related to illicit drug use, and the ways in which policy and practice can be developed in order to reduce harms and best support those people affected by use – whether their own, or other people’s. This follows a Tynwald resolution in December 2020 to review our strategy in addressing the harms of illegal drugs. A report was presented in June... More
    Closed 5 June 2023
  • Living Streets Scheme in Douglas Central

    The Department of Infrastructure seeks views on proposals for a ‘Living Streets’ scheme within a residential area of Douglas Central Ward, to create streets and places that are easy to move around, safe and healthy. The Department has previously received petitions from local residents, seeking the implementation of traffic calming and pedestrian safety measures in the area, including 20mph restrictions. The issues raised in the petitions are: Barriers to crossing the road... More
    Closed 12 June 2023
  • Views sought on the removal of 1p, 2p and 5p coins from circulation and the rounding of cash transactions

    The Treasury is considering the removal of 1p, 2p and 5p coins from general circulation at a date in the future (yet to be decided). From this date these coins (and their UK equivalent denominations) would cease to be legal tender on the Isle of Man. This would mean that from the agreed date members of the public could not use the 1p, 2p and 5p coins for day to day use, and retailers and institutions would not be required to accept them for payment. At the same date from... More
    Closed 28 June 2023
  • Public Consultation to inform the work of the Electoral Commission

    An Electoral Commission for the Isle of Man has been appointed and tasked to report to Tynwald by March 2024 about a series of matters. This includes a review of the number and boundaries of constituencies (which includes the number of seats per constituency.) In addition, the Electoral Commission is required to consider: Accessibility of elections to voters Postal and Proxy voting procedures The ability to vote in any polling station in a constituency Feasibility of one... More
    Closed 28 July 2023
  • Consultation on updating the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974

    The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 ('the Act') as applied to the Isle of Man by the Health and Safety at Work Order 1998 (the 1998 Order) is the primary piece of health and safety legislation on the Isle of Man. Since its introduction, the UK have made several amendments to the Act. As our application of the UK Act was 'fixed' at the point it was last applied (i.e. 1998) our applied Act has fallen out of step with the UK’s Act. This... More
    Closed 30 July 2023
  • Proposed Ramsey (Boundary Extension) Order 2023

    Ramsey Town Commissioners have made an application to the Department of Infrastructure for an Order under Section 6 of the Local Government Act 1985 seeking to extend by Order, the boundary of the town of Ramsey Town. The Order provides for the adjustment of the boundaries between the districts of Ramsey, Lezayre and Garff (Maughold Ward) so as to remove various areas from Lezayre and Garff and to include within Ramsey’s boundary. As part of the process for considering the... More
    Closed 9 August 2023
  • Isle of Man Heritage Railways Independent Review and Economic Impact Assessment

    This consultation is about developing an understanding of who uses the heritage rail network and why, and what is considered the most important factor in their operation. More
    Closed 13 August 2023
  • Access to Cash Survey

    As part of our commitment to responding to the Access to Cash Report 2022 findings , the Department for Enterprise (DfE) is seeking information through a survey in regards to how individuals make payments and more generally use cash. Responses will be collated to provide DfE with an indication of the current cash usage trends across the Island’s adult population. More
    Closed 7 September 2023
  • Private Member’s Bill to modernise Human Fertilisation, Embryology, and Legal Parentage and Surrogacy arrangements in the Isle of Man

    The content within this consultation is provided by the Member responsible, Tanya August-Hanson MLC, and is a parliamentary matter for Members of Tynwald. The purpose and intended effects To update and replace Part 9 (Fertilisation, Surrogacy etc.) of the Children and Young Persons Act 2001 (“the 2001 Act”) in line with the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 (“the 2008 UK Act”), specifically to change the definitions of ‘mother’ and... More
    Closed 29 September 2023
  • The Isle of Man Strategic Plan Review – Preliminary Publicity

    Cabinet Office is undertaking the ‘Preliminary Publicity’ stage signalling the start of the review process into the Isle of Man Strategic Plan 2016 . This is in line with Paragraph 2, Schedule 1, of the Town and Country Planning Act (1999). Preliminary Publicity represents the first statutory step of the Development Plan Procedure and sets out the matters that the draft plan will deal with. The Strategic Plan provides the high-level planning policy framework for the future... More
    Closed 29 September 2023
  • DEFA Customer Survey

    Help us improve our customer service, by giving us feedback on the customer service you received within the last twelve months from the Department of Environment, Food, and Agriculture (DEFA) services. The purpose of this survey is to learn how you communicate with us (email, written, telephone, face-to-face, online, or on social media), as well as how satisfied you are with the experience. As we offer services that require payments, we want to understand... More
    Closed 6 October 2023
  • Land Registry Legislation

    The Central Registry seeks views on proposals for changes to legislation relating to land registration. This consultation proposes a number of changes to the law on Land Registration focussing on possessory title, triggers for registration and dispute resolution. In addition, the consultation considers some further updates to the Land Registration Act 1982. The additional changes are in relation to timescales for submission of applications and updating... More
    Closed 9 October 2023
  • Women’s Health Strategy Consultation

    The Women’s Health Strategy is centred around a life course approach where every aspect of a woman’s life and her health needs are viewed as a continuum. More
    Closed 20 October 2023
  • Isle of Man Currency Design

    The Currency Act 1992 states that the Treasury is responsible for the issue of Isle of Man Government notes and coins. As part of this the Treasury is undertaking a review of the current designs for all circulating Isle of Man Government notes and coins. Please note that this consultation is only in relation to the main circulating coins in issue and does not relate to specific collections or commemorative specifications etc. More
    Closed 23 October 2023
  • Public Consultation in relation to Town and Country Planning Act Amendments, Definition of Development Order & Registered Building Regulations

    As part of the Built Environment Reform Programme and to facilitate the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture’s (DEFA) core functions (Registered Buildings) changes are proposed to the Town and Country Planning Act 1999 (“The Planning Act”). The changes will: provide clarity around the definition of development which will mean better understanding for building owners on what can and can’t be done without planning approval (these changes, together... More
    Closed 27 October 2023
373 results. Page 11 of 13