381 results
Area Plan for the North and West – Preliminary Publicity
Cabinet Office is preparing an Area Plan for the North and West of the Island and is commencing Preliminary Publicity in accordance with the Development Plan Procedure, as set out in paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the Town and Country Planning Act 1999. MoreOpened 16 April 2021 -
Regulations Applying SOLAS Chapter VI – Carriage of Cargoes and Oil Fuels
Regulations Applying SOLAS Chapter VI – Carriage of Cargoes and Oil Fuels MoreOpened 15 April 2021 -
Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development) (Amendment) Order 2021
Changes are proposed to the secondary legislation which enables certain types of development to take place without the need for a specific planning application (sometimes called ‘Permitted Development’). The changes are intended to better apply a proportionate level of protection to trees whilst not unduly preventing development, in particular routine infrastructure works. MoreOpened 19 March 2021 -
Gas Sector Regulation: Implementation of Price Controls
This consultation sets out the preliminary positions adopted by the Communications and Utilities Regulatory Authority (the Authority) in respect of making Regulations to set tariffs for the public supply of gas on the Island. The Consultation makes clear that the Regulations being consulted on are a temporary consumer protection measure to prevent excessive pricing in anticipation of regulation being introduced. The Proposed Regulations are part of a longer term approach to... MoreOpened 15 March 2021 -
Leasehold Reform
Overview Earlier this year, Ramsey MHK Lawrie Hooper was granted permission by the House of Keys to introduce a Private Members’ Bill with two distinct aims: First, to reform the law around how long leaseholders of flats are able to acquire a ‘Management Order’ which would allow them to collectively take over management of their block of flats; and, second, to reform the law around how long leaseholders of flats are able to cooperatively... MoreOpened 9 March 2021 -
Animal Welfare Bill 2021
A four week consultation on the proposed Animal Welfare Bill 2021, which is intended to: Provide a means of applying, by order that has been consulted upon and approved by Tynwald, specific UK animal welfare legislation to the Island relating to companion Animals (e.g. cats, dogs, horses and other kept animals) Enable the making of secondary legislation to support the applied legislation Make provision for greater legal protections for mountain hares MoreOpened 8 March 2021 -
Procurement Policy Review 2021
The Treasury is carrying out a review of the Procurement Policy introduced in 2017, and is asking for input to help us evaluate the impact of the policy and whether the objectives have been achieved. MoreOpened 25 February 2021 -
Capacity Bill Consultation
We previously consulted on the Capacity Policy from August to November 2020 – this consultation is to consult on the Bill. This consultation is issued by the Department for the purpose of inviting interested parties to consider and comment on the proposed content of a draft Capacity Bill 2021, a Bill designed to create a modern and clear legal framework which safeguards the rights, dignity and wellbeing of people who may have lost the capacity to make decisions for themselves. ... MoreOpened 25 February 2021 -
Marine Drive Road Closure Proposal
The Isle of Man Government is committed to the health and wellbeing of the Island’s residents creating an enjoyable place to live, grow, work and play. To support its desire to encourage people to exercise more and actively travel, the Department is proposing to permanently close Marine Drive in Douglas to motor vehicles, allowing access only for pedestrians and cyclists. This will be an addition to the existing network of active travel leisure routes. It will enable pedestrians and... MoreOpened 23 February 2021 -
Funding of administrative expenses of the Resolution Authority
This Consultation Paper is about the recovery by the Financial Services Authority, of its operational expenses for bank resolution activities, by means of an annual levy on the banking industry. MoreOpened 8 February 2021 -
Are you ok?
The global pandemic has brought enormous changes to the way we live. It's been tough. In August 2020, the Chief Minister launched the Are you OK? campaign to acknowledge the impact of COVID-19 on people’s wellbeing and mental health. It included articles written by experts which were shared in print and online and a dedicated website of wellbeing resources. MoreOpened 5 February 2021 -
Insurance (Long-Term Business Valuation and Solvency) Regulations 2021
The consultation is to obtain views in relation to proposed amendments to the Insurance (Long-Term Business Valuation and Solvency) Regulations 2021. The amendments update the Insurance (Long-Term Business Valuation and Solvency) Regulations 2018 in light of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and the anticipated launch of the Insurance (Non Long-Term Business Valuation and Solvency) Regulations 2021 in June 2021. MoreOpened 1 February 2021 -
Electric Bicycle and Scooter Draft Policy Proposal
The Isle of Man Government is committed to the health and wellbeing of its residents creating an enjoyable place to live, grow, work and play. As the use of electric bicycles and scooters becomes more popular and technology improves, the Department has identified that a clear, concise policy is required to support the adoption of these technologies. The Department wants to encourage a modal shift in transport choice away from vehicles such as cars by increasing the number of... MoreOpened 29 January 2021 -
Woodland Grant Scheme 2021
In January 2020 Phase 1 of the "Isle of Man Government Action Plan for Achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050” outlined a Council of Ministers’ policy commitment to increase “natural carbon capture opportunities, whilst protecting biodiversity and enhancing ecosystems, to help reach net zero by 2050”. In order to support this policy, the Action Plan also contained the commitment to: Provide additional incentives for tree planting under the Agricultural... MoreOpened 25 January 2021 -
TT Fan Voice: Travel & Accommodation
Last year we conducted our biggest ever public survey about the Isle of Man TT Races with thousands of you sharing your experiences with us. Many of you took the opportunity to tell us about your frustrations around travelling to the TT in particular. MoreOpened 8 January 2021 -
Response to Multi-Band Spectrum Award Consultation and Further Consultation
This document comprises of Responses to the Multi Band Spectrum Award Consultation (18/20), the Authority’s analysis of submissions, and Final Decisions, and further consultation on the issues of: Licence fees – the principles and methodology in their calculation Consideration of Transition Issues including the objectives and principles . MoreOpened 23 December 2020 -
Your thoughts on how GP services, dental services, pharmacies and opticians can best support you to be happy and well
The Health and Care Transformation Programme (HCTP) is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work together to transform health and care services across our Island so that they are high-quality, work in a joined-up way, provide personalised care and are financially sustainable. For more information on the transformation programme please visit the Health and Care Transformation webpage . If you require a hard copy of the survey questionnaire, please contact pamela.crye@gov.im MoreOpened 23 December 2020 -
Duty of Candour: Consultation on draft legislation
The Manx Care Bill will establish Manx Care as the new organisation responsible for the delivery of health and care services on the Island. They will be instructed by the Department of Health and Social Care on what services are to be delivered, to what standard and for what budget . Manx Care will then deliver services in the way it deems best and the Department will hold Manx Care to account for Manx Care’s performance. It is anticipated that the Manx... MoreOpened 18 December 2020 -
Proposed Alcohol Licensing Legislation Changes
The Department of Home Affairs is conducting this consultation to seek your views on planned changes to the alcohol licensing regime in the Island. The consultation asks questions about the policy principles which will underpin forthcoming licensing legislation. Please provide your comments on as many of the points as possible to ensure that we can fully understand and consider your views. MoreOpened 14 December 2020 -
Proposed amendments to the Food Information Regulations 2014 regarding the labelling of allergens and country of origin
The Food Information Regulations 2014 (Isle of Man) applies certain provisions of European Regulation 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers, including: the mandatory indication of the country of origin or place of provenance of foods and; mandatory requirements to provide information regarding allergens present in finished food products MoreOpened 9 December 2020 -
Food Hygiene Ratings Regulations 2021
The Department is seeking views on the proposed legislation that if approved will allow for the introduction of a Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) in the Isle of Man. A FHRS is a key public health measure and an important commercial driver for businesses to achieve and maintain compliance with existing food hygiene law. It provides transparency to consumers about the hygiene standards in food outlets at the time of inspection and allows consumers to make informed choices about... MoreOpened 9 December 2020 -
Racial and Cultural Awareness in Education on the Isle of Man
We are s eeking stakeholder views with a view to updating the school curriculum in light of representations from the minorities community and others. Learning about ethnic minorities and their culture, lifestyles and other issues is currently covered in a wide variety of ways, and through various mediums and subjects in Island schools. At Primary school it is often covered thematically within wider topics looking at social, economic and wider cultural aspects of a place, person,... MoreOpened 7 December 2020 -
Amendment to the Insurance (Conduct of Business) (Long-Term Business) Code 2018
The purpose of the consultation is to obtain views in relation to the proposed replacement of the Insurance (Conduct of Business)(Long-Term Business) Code 2018 with the Insurance (Conduct of Business)(Long-Term Business) Code 2021 which includes amendments to the exemptions within the code. MoreOpened 4 December 2020 -
Private & Ply for Hire Taxi Accessibility Regulations
The Equality Bill Consultation in 2014 confirmed that there was consensus to make transport as accessible as possible for disabled people. The Department of Infrastructure supports this aim and proposes to make accessibility regulations, to enable the carriage of mobility impaired disabled passengers in wheelchair accessible taxis and private hire vehicles and oblige the carriage of passengers with assistance dogs, subject to specific driver exemptions. Accessible versions... MoreOpened 30 November 2020 -
CP20-04-T17 Insurance Regulations 2021
The consultation is to obtain views in relation to proposed changes to the Insurance Regulations 2018. Notably, the changes include updated requirements for non-long term insurers in respect of regulatory reporting and a revised definition of class 12 insurance business. For all insurers the proposals update and consolidate the requirements for conventional companies, protected cell companies, limited partnerships and incorporated cell companies, which are currently set out in various... MoreOpened 10 November 2020 -
Funding Financial Regulation and Designated Business Oversight
Further to the related Press Release on 15 October 2020, the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority (‘the Authority’) has today issued a Discussion Paper on Funding Financial Regulation and Designated Business Oversight (DP20-01/T14). The Discussion Paper can be accessed below either as an Online Survey or as a downloadable PDF document under 'Related'. MoreOpened 30 October 2020 -
Public Consultation on the Mid Rent Housing Option
The purpose of this consultation is to gather views about Mid Rent Housing and focuses on the access and eligibility aspects of mid-rent as a new affordable housing product. Mid rent housing is a affordable housing product designed to assist those that may not be eligible for Public Sector Housing to access a property with affordable rent, in order to assist them to save for a deposit to purchase their first home. In previous consultations the public expressed a wish... MoreOpened 29 October 2020 -
Equality Act 2017 - Draft Code of Practice – Services, Public Functions and Associations
The Equality Act 2017 (the Act) is one of the most important pieces of social legislation to be progressed in the Isle of Man in recent times. It seeks to ensure fair ad equal treatment, in a way that allows social and economic inclusion in the community. The Act consolidates and replaces earlier discrimination legislation. Principally, the Act covers discrimination because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race,... MoreOpened 26 October 2020 -
Consultation on the Future Management of the Isle of Man Crab & Lobster Fisheries in Isle of Man Territorial Waters
Future Management of the Isle of Man Crab & Lobster in Manx waters (12 nautical miles [NM]) . MoreOpened 26 October 2020 -
Consultation on Regulatory Framework for Cannabis-derived Products for Export
The Department for Health and Social Care held a public consultation in 2019 which indicated strong support for the creation of a regulatory framework for facilitating an export-based cannabis sector. In line with the Programme for Government’s strategic objective, ‘An Island of Enterprise and Opportunity’, the Department for Enterprise is now consulting on the establishment of a Regulatory Framework (‘Framework’) for Cannabis-derived Products for Export. The intent of... MoreOpened 23 October 2020
381 results.
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