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373 results

  • Consultation on TT Schedule Change – 2023 and beyond

    The Department for Enterprise is seeking the views of the public in relation to a proposed permanent schedule change to the TT Races, which, if approved, will take effect from the 2023 event. Views and comments in regards to the proposed road closure schedule are invited. More
    Opened 14 June 2021
  • Whistleblowing Policy

    The Office of Human Resources, Cabinet Office is seeking views on an updated draft Isle of Man Government Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure. More
    Opened 7 July 2021
  • Public Libraries

    In July 2018, Tynwald agreed the following: Recommendation 1 We recommend that the Council of Ministers establish a Working Party to continue with the important work of determining the future direction of the Island’s libraries. This work should now move forward to undertake a detailed investigation into the provision and purpose of public library services. This investigation should involve all those involved in library provision on the Island. The... More
    Opened 9 July 2021
  • Gas Safety Regulations

    This Consultation is issued by the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture (DEFA) in association with the Health and Safety at Work Inspectorate. The purpose of the consultation is to obtain views on proposed changes to gas safety legislation. The consultation is particularly relevant to persons and businesses that work in the gas industry including network operators and gas suppliers. The Gas Safety (Installation, Use and Management) (Application Order) 2021 will apply... More
    Opened 15 July 2021
  • Climate Change (Single-Use Plastics) Regulations 2021 Consultation

    Proposed regulations that will prohibit the sale, supply, manufacture and distribution of various single use plastic items and products containing microbeads. More
    Opened 16 July 2021
  • Artist’s Resale Right

    Artist’s Resale Right – an intellectual property right which entitles artists to a proportion of the value of any of their artworks that are resold. More
    Opened 16 July 2021
  • Climate Change Plan 2022-2027

    Under the requirements of the Climate Change Bill 2020, there will be a requirement for a statutory five year Climate Action Plan to be in operation at all times. The current Council of Ministers’ Climate Action Plan will remain in operation until the new plan is agreed, which the new Climate Bill requires to introduced by April 2022. The Bill also requires the establishment of at least one interim target by that date. The Plan must set out a clear direction of travel on... More
    Opened 22 July 2021
  • Should Douglas Head be considered for Conservation Area status?

    Cabinet Office is responsible for the designation of Conservation Areas as set out in section 18 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1999. This consultation seeks the views of residents, businesses and those with an interest in the built and historic environment on whether the area of Douglas Head has sufficient merit to be designated a “Conservation Area”. Cabinet Office has yet to decide on whether or not an ‘Order’ which is the legislation necessary to make such a designation... More
    Opened 23 July 2021
  • Joint Consultation on the Isle of Man King Scallop Fishery

    In December 2020, the Isle of Man Scallop Management Board (SMB) submitted a Discussion Document on a Long Term Management Plan (LTMP) for the Isle of Man king scallop fishery to the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture. This was followed by a SMB meeting in February 2021, during which a series of High Level Objectives (HLOs) were agreed and endorsed by the Scallop Management Board (see section 1.7), which outlined the industry’s vision for the future. The SMB meeting in... More
    Opened 6 August 2021
  • Proposed Amendment to the Broadcasting Act 1993

    Council of Ministers has been requested to consider making changes to legislation restricting newspapers from holding more than 20% in a licensed broadcaster. Consequently Council has agreed that the Cabinet Office should conduct a public consultation on its behalf regarding the request to change legislation in the interests of transparency and good governance. Isle of Man Newspapers has requested that Council considers making the proposed change to the current... More
    Opened 10 August 2021
  • Cyber Security Survey 2021

    The Isle of Man’s National Cyber Security Strategy seeks to deliver opportunities and services for better protection from cyber-attacks and improve cyber resilience through collaboration with business and the public. This survey aims to measure the level of cyber security awareness and knowledge in the Isle of Man. The results of previous Isle of Man Government Cyber Surveys have informed 12 month communications campaigns to raise awareness of the... More
    Opened 16 August 2021
  • Using Bus Vannin Services if you have a disability

    The Department of Infrastructure would like to make it easier for people with disabilities to use Bus Vannin services. To do this we are seeking views from people with a disability, their carers and their families, to find out the barriers to using Bus Vannin they have experienced, or are concerned about. More
    Opened 16 August 2021
  • Aircraft Registration and Marking Legislation

    This consultation sets out our proposals for the replacement of the aircraft registration and marking provisions currently in the Air Navigation (Isle of Man) Order 2015 with new legislation. This aviation specific technical consultation is expected to be of relevance to owners or operators of aircraft registered in the Isle of Man and to those persons and companies that support and facilitate the ownership and registration of such aircraft e.g. aircraft management services;... More
    Opened 23 August 2021
  • Complaints Modernisation. Part 1: Consultation on short term changes – by Regulation

    The consultation aims to identify solutions to improve the health and social care complaints process and outlines an updated approach for complaints handling. This consultation is in two parts. This is part one and it covers suggested changes to Regulations that will provide a short term way to embed the complaints process in legislation with the aim to minimise the risk of delays in reviewing complaints, inconsistent decision making and provide greater transparency of activity and... More
    Opened 6 September 2021
  • Complaints Modernisation. Part 2: longer term changes - Reform

    The consultation aims to identify solutions to modernise and improve the health and social care complaints process. This is part 2 and it poses some questions that will help to shape the approach to the handling of complaints in the longer-term, as part of a comprehensive review under the Department’s National Health and Social Care Services Bill (‘Reform Bill’). The aim of the Bill will be to modernise and consolidate the existing primary legislation in relation to the National... More
    Opened 6 September 2021
  • Electronic Transactions

    A consultation on the Electronic Transactions Act 2000 and broader legal framework for electronic identification, digital signatures and electronic transactions. More
    Opened 15 September 2021
  • Area Plan for the North and West – Sites identified during the Preliminary Publicity Stage

    Cabinet Office, in preparing an Area Plan for the North and West has become aware of 34 Sites (including site amendments) that are to be assessed and considered for inclusion within the Draft Plan. Update 1st October 2021 - Site RM010 has been added to the consultation to reflect the area suggested as being suitable for a Ramsey Marina More
    Opened 24 September 2021
  • MiCard Customer Survey

    This survey is intended to give The Treasury a better understanding about why some people choose to collect their benefits and pensions in cash using a MiCard rather than having them paid directly into their bank account or onto a pre-paid card. The survey asks about access to bank accounts and usage of the internet so as to understand how any alternative methods of payment may suit customer needs. More
    Opened 4 October 2021
  • Assessor of Income Tax Gateway

    The Isle of Man Financial Services Authority has today issued a Consultation Paper (CP21-07) on proposed amendments to the exceptions from restrictions on disclosure of information to the Assessor of Income Tax. More
    Opened 18 October 2021
  • Merchant Shipping (Fees) Regulations 2022

    The purpose of this paper is to consult on proposed changes to the fees which are charged by the Isle of Man Ship Registry. The proposals in this consultation will form the basis for new Merchant Shipping (Fees) Regulations 2022 which will revoke and replace the existing Merchant Shipping (Fees) Regulations 2020. More
    Opened 4 November 2021
  • Regulations Applying SOLAS Chapter VII – Dangerous Goods

    Regulations Applying SOLAS Chapter VII – Dangerous Goods More
    Opened 12 November 2021
  • Apprenticeship (Skills Development Review) 2021

    As part a review of the Isle of Man’s Education and Training functions, the Department of Education Sport and Culture seek views on policy principles around the provision of the apprenticeship scheme. The responses to this consultation will be used to inform the policy required to develop a new proposed Apprenticeship Scheme (Skills Development Scheme). The principal purpose of providing financial assistance under the Apprenticeship scheme is to develop the skills of the... More
    Opened 26 November 2021
  • Our Island Plan 2021-2026

    A MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF MINISTER I hope that by now you will have had time to read our draft Island Plan, which was published ahead of the November sitting of Tynwald and sets out our future ambition and vision for our Island. This seeks to set out a firm direction of travel for the Island over the next five years, based on the clear feedback and consultation that myself and other Members received while on the doorstep around our Island this summer. The Island Plan... More
    Opened 30 November 2021
  • Consultation on the Changes to the On-Island Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) consultation seeks to introduce eligibility criteria for the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS), and would like your views about what these criteria may be. Background The Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS) was designed to provide transport for patients who, because of a me dical condition, are unable to make their own way to an NHS medical appointment or home after being discharged from... More
    Opened 10 December 2021
  • Border Security (Information Sharing) Bill

    A bill to make provision about better coordinating existing public sector functions in relation to the movement of persons and goods to and from the Island; and for connected purposes. More
    Opened 24 January 2022
  • Interim Target for Emissions Reductions by 2030

    We want your thoughts - to help us set our Island’s target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, as an interim step to achieving net zero by 2050. Please help us by answering just four short consultation questions and telling us a little bit about yourself at the end of this document. More
    Opened 25 January 2022
  • Consultation on the proposed Beneficial Ownership (Civil Penalties) Regulations 2022

    The Authority intends to broaden the scope of contraventions and offences for which a civil penalty can be considered, including those where currently only criminal sanctions are available. More
    Opened 1 February 2022
  • Request for Input – Innovation and the Regulatory Perimeter

    The Authority is currently considering the issue of innovation linked to crypto-assets, which is outside of the regulatory remit at this time, and what this means for various stakeholders including the Isle of Man Government, regulators, businesses and consumers. The purpose of this request is to develop our knowledge by seeking information and opinion from a wide range of interested parties on the implications of innovation in connection with certain activities that are... More
    Opened 21 February 2022
  • Consultation on iVMS requirements for under-12 m fishing vessels

    This consultation seeks to gain public and sectoral views on the proposal to align with English iVMS requirement for under 12 metre vessels operating in Manx waters (irrespective of nationality). The Department proposes to make this a legislative requirement by means of a statutory instrument, with potential temporary exemptions for vessels under 6 m overall length. This consultation seeks to understand any potential business impacts of introducing iVMS to under 12m... More
    Opened 1 March 2022
  • About the Review

    In November 2020, the Tynwald Constitutional and Legal Affairs and Justice Committee concluded a report on Legal Services in the Isle of Man, which included recommendations on reforms to the legal services framework in the Isle of Man. In April 2021, the Council of Ministers provided its response to the Committee’s report, including amendments to the recommendations. The report and its amended recommendations were approved by Tynwald at that sitting . One of the... More
    Opened 3 March 2022
373 results. Page 9 of 13