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58 results

  • Commercial Property Survey

    The Cabinet Office is seeking the views of the occupiers of commercial property to build an evidence base that will inform future planning policies. The responses from this questionnaire will be confidential and no personal information is required to complete the survey. Reasonable adjustments and alternative formats The Department is committed to equal opportunities and our aim is to make our documents easy to use and accessible to all. We will take steps to... More
    Opened 16 September 2024
  • What will care cost YOU?

    The Island’s population is aging and the cost of caring for an older society is increasing. We know that people worry about the cost of care. Care will become unaffordable if we don’t change how the system works and we need to find a fairer way of paying for it. This consultation introduces two alternative options of paying for care. Both options being considered increase Government’s contribution towards the cost of care. This would allow those receiving care... More
    Closed 12 January 2024
  • Essential Workers Housing Options

    In their first Action Plan the Housing and Communities Board committed to further developing an ‘essential worker’ housing policy. Following discussions with relevant government departments and key stakeholders, a range of actions have been drawn up to support essential workers in finding accommodation, both temporary and permanent. Essential workers have been defined by the Housing and Communities Board, for the purpose of housing provision, as all those employed in... More
    Closed 3 January 2024
  • The Isle of Man Strategic Plan Review – Preliminary Publicity

    Cabinet Office is undertaking the ‘Preliminary Publicity’ stage signalling the start of the review process into the Isle of Man Strategic Plan 2016 . This is in line with Paragraph 2, Schedule 1, of the Town and Country Planning Act (1999). Preliminary Publicity represents the first statutory step of the Development Plan Procedure and sets out the matters that the draft plan will deal with. The Strategic Plan provides the high-level planning policy framework for the future... More
    Closed 29 September 2023
  • Public Consultation to inform the work of the Electoral Commission

    An Electoral Commission for the Isle of Man has been appointed and tasked to report to Tynwald by March 2024 about a series of matters. This includes a review of the number and boundaries of constituencies (which includes the number of seats per constituency.) In addition, the Electoral Commission is required to consider: Accessibility of elections to voters Postal and Proxy voting procedures The ability to vote in any polling station in a constituency Feasibility of one... More
    Closed 28 July 2023
  • Consultation on the Vapour Products Bill 2023

    Vaping devices, commonly referred to as vapes or e-cigarettes, heat up a vaping liquid or gel to create a vapour that you can inhale. Vaping liquids typically contains nicotine, but may be used to deliver flavoured products or drugs such as cannabis or Spice (a synthetic drug similar to cannabis). Evidence points to vaping being considerably safer than tobacco smoking for established smokers, and vaping is presently the number one method for adult smokers to quit, or... More
    Closed 29 January 2023
  • Refugee Policy Consultation

    In March 2022, the Isle of Man welcomed its first Ukrainian guests to the Island under the Isle of Man Homes for Ukraine Scheme. Since this date, over 100 Ukrainian guests have been given leave to come and live in the Isle of Man. Prior to the invasion of Ukraine, the Isle of Man Government had no established policy regarding refugees, and the issue was last discussed following the conflict in Syria. The Government position at that time was that hosting Syrian refugees would... More
    Closed 13 December 2022
  • Draft Area Plan for the North and West

    In accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 1 to the Town and Country Planning Act 1999, the Cabinet Office has published the Draft Area Plan for the North and West of the Island which include the Town Districts of Ramsey and Peel, the District of Michael; and the Parishes of Jurby, Andreas, Bride, Ballaugh, Lezayre, Garff (Maughold Ward only), German and Patrick. This Area Plan will implement the broad Island-wide planning policies set out in the Isle of Man Strategic... More
    Closed 16 September 2022
  • Proactive Publication Code of Practice Consultation

    The Island Plan highlights the need to ‘put people at the heart of service delivery and policy-making.’ This can be achieved by enhancing transparency and openness, proactively publishing information that is suitable for release. To support this, a draft Code of Practice has been created which the Cabinet Office are now seeking views on this from Departments, Statutory Bodies, Local Authorities and the public. More
    Closed 9 September 2022
  • Town and Country Planning (Telecommunications) Development (Amendment) Order 2022

    Changes are proposed to the secondary legislation which enables certain types of development to take place without the need for a specific planning application (sometimes called ‘Permitted Development’). The changes are intended to strengthen the principle of considering visual aspects within permitted development rights for the installation, alteration or replacement of telecoms apparatus within the external environment. More
    Closed 22 July 2022
  • Anti-Bribery and Corruption Strategy Consultation

    The Cabinet Office seeks input and feedback in relation to the Draft Isle of Man Anti-Bribery and Corruption Strategy. More
    Closed 19 April 2022
  • Interim Target for Emissions Reductions by 2030

    We want your thoughts - to help us set our Island’s target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, as an interim step to achieving net zero by 2050. Please help us by answering just four short consultation questions and telling us a little bit about yourself at the end of this document. More
    Closed 21 February 2022
  • Border Security (Information Sharing) Bill

    A bill to make provision about better coordinating existing public sector functions in relation to the movement of persons and goods to and from the Island; and for connected purposes. More
    Closed 17 February 2022
  • Community Hubs

    Would you like to have access to some of our Government services within your town community? Do you prefer a face to face service rather than using the range of digital options available? The Chief Minister’s Community and Public Engagement Committee are teaming up with Government Departments to explore the potential to pilot some community based multi-purpose hubs around the Island. This short anonymous survey should take no longer than 5... More
    Closed 24 December 2021
  • Our Island Plan 2021-2026

    A MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF MINISTER I hope that by now you will have had time to read our draft Island Plan, which was published ahead of the November sitting of Tynwald and sets out our future ambition and vision for our Island. This seeks to set out a firm direction of travel for the Island over the next five years, based on the clear feedback and consultation that myself and other Members received while on the doorstep around our Island this summer. The Island Plan... More
    Closed 13 December 2021
  • Area Plan for the North and West – Sites identified during the Preliminary Publicity Stage

    Cabinet Office, in preparing an Area Plan for the North and West has become aware of 34 Sites (including site amendments) that are to be assessed and considered for inclusion within the Draft Plan. Update 1st October 2021 - Site RM010 has been added to the consultation to reflect the area suggested as being suitable for a Ramsey Marina More
    Closed 10 December 2021
  • Proposed Amendment to the Broadcasting Act 1993

    Council of Ministers has been requested to consider making changes to legislation restricting newspapers from holding more than 20% in a licensed broadcaster. Consequently Council has agreed that the Cabinet Office should conduct a public consultation on its behalf regarding the request to change legislation in the interests of transparency and good governance. Isle of Man Newspapers has requested that Council considers making the proposed change to the current... More
    Closed 21 September 2021
  • Should Douglas Head be considered for Conservation Area status?

    Cabinet Office is responsible for the designation of Conservation Areas as set out in section 18 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1999. This consultation seeks the views of residents, businesses and those with an interest in the built and historic environment on whether the area of Douglas Head has sufficient merit to be designated a “Conservation Area”. Cabinet Office has yet to decide on whether or not an ‘Order’ which is the legislation necessary to make such a designation... More
    Closed 17 September 2021
  • Climate Change Plan 2022-2027

    Under the requirements of the Climate Change Bill 2020, there will be a requirement for a statutory five year Climate Action Plan to be in operation at all times. The current Council of Ministers’ Climate Action Plan will remain in operation until the new plan is agreed, which the new Climate Bill requires to introduced by April 2022. The Bill also requires the establishment of at least one interim target by that date. The Plan must set out a clear direction of travel on... More
    Closed 31 August 2021
  • Public Libraries

    In July 2018, Tynwald agreed the following: Recommendation 1 We recommend that the Council of Ministers establish a Working Party to continue with the important work of determining the future direction of the Island’s libraries. This work should now move forward to undertake a detailed investigation into the provision and purpose of public library services. This investigation should involve all those involved in library provision on the Island. The... More
    Closed 20 August 2021
  • Whistleblowing Policy

    The Office of Human Resources, Cabinet Office is seeking views on an updated draft Isle of Man Government Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure. More
    Closed 17 August 2021
  • Government Staff Survey on Flexible/Remote Working

    As part of a Council of Ministers and Chief Officer supported programme of work, a “Working Differently” team from across Government are looking at how we learn from our remote/flexible working during COVID and ensure we maintain positive flexible working practices that help our people to work when and where we can be most productive. Please add your views to this survey to help us shape the flexible working practices we recommend are offered in the future! More
    Closed 16 July 2021
  • Establishment of a Regulatory Authority

    The Programme for Government, developed in 2016, included an action for the Cabinet Office to “Produce a report on our regulatory framework which explores options for better regulation”. In 2016, Government initiated the establishment of a Regulatory Hub, the first step along the road to a single regulatory authority and more effective regulation. Effective regulation has an essential role to play in both economic and democratic life; businesses appreciate effective and... More
    Closed 16 July 2021
  • Area Plan for the North and West – Preliminary Publicity

    Cabinet Office is preparing an Area Plan for the North and West of the Island and is commencing Preliminary Publicity in accordance with the Development Plan Procedure, as set out in paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the Town and Country Planning Act 1999. More
    Closed 25 June 2021
  • Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development) (Amendment) Order 2021

    Changes are proposed to the secondary legislation which enables certain types of development to take place without the need for a specific planning application (sometimes called ‘Permitted Development’). The changes are intended to better apply a proportionate level of protection to trees whilst not unduly preventing development, in particular routine infrastructure works. More
    Closed 18 April 2021
  • Are you ok?

    The global pandemic has brought enormous changes to the way we live. It's been tough. In August 2020, the Chief Minister launched the Are you OK? campaign to acknowledge the impact of COVID-19 on people’s wellbeing and mental health. It included articles written by experts which were shared in print and online and a dedicated website of wellbeing resources. More
    Closed 5 March 2021
  • Your thoughts on how GP services, dental services, pharmacies and opticians can best support you to be happy and well

    The Health and Care Transformation Programme (HCTP) is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work together to transform health and care services across our Island so that they are high-quality, work in a joined-up way, provide personalised care and are financially sustainable. For more information on the transformation programme please visit the Health and Care Transformation webpage . If you require a hard copy of the survey questionnaire, please contact More
    Closed 29 January 2021
  • Equality Act 2017 - Draft Code of Practice – Services, Public Functions and Associations

    The Equality Act 2017 (the Act) is one of the most important pieces of social legislation to be progressed in the Isle of Man in recent times. It seeks to ensure fair ad equal treatment, in a way that allows social and economic inclusion in the community. The Act consolidates and replaces earlier discrimination legislation. Principally, the Act covers discrimination because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race,... More
    Closed 7 December 2020
  • International Co-operation (Protection from Liability) Bill 2020

    Compliance with international standards and providing assistance to other jurisdictions are of crucial importance for the Isle of Man’s position as an international finance centre and reputation as a co-operative jurisdiction. Existing legislation enables the H.M. Attorney General and certain other Isle of Man public authorities to render assistance in the form of obtaining evidence or information, securing and repatriating assets, conducting investigations, conducting searches or... More
    Closed 25 November 2020
  • Beneficial Ownership (Amendment) Bill 2020

    In order to address several compliance deficiencies identified in the Island’s Mutual Evaluation Report 2016, conducted by MONEYVAL, a small number of amendments are being recommended to the Beneficial Ownership Act 2017 , which are intended to improve the accuracy of the beneficial ownership database and meet international standards regarding timeliness. The changes identified will also contribute to the work that the Isle of Man is undertaking in relation to its public... More
    Closed 21 October 2020
58 results. Page 1 of 2