382 results
Abortion Reform Bill 2017
In January this year Dr Alex Allinson, MHK for Ramsey, was given permission to bring a Private Members Bill (the Bill) to Tynwald to reform the Termination of Pregnancy (Medical Defences) Act 1995 (the Act). The Bill proposes changes to the Act to offer women access on request up to 14 weeks, and changes to the grounds for access in the later stages of pregnancy. It was 50 years ago, in October 1967, that the British Government passed the Abortion Act. For the first time, abortion... MoreClosed 18 September 2017 -
Encouraging Active Travel on the Isle of Man
The Department of Infrastructure is committed to encouraging the use of active travel on the Isle of Man. Active travel is being defined as walking or cycling as an alternative to motorised transport (cars, buses, motorcycles, etc) for the purpose of making everyday journeys. The long-term vision for the Isle of Man is to be an Island where cycling and walking are normal and realistic transport choices for people of all ages and abilities. One of the main ways in which to... MoreClosed 25 September 2017 -
Draft Amendments to the Regulated Activities Order 2011 and the Financial Services (Exemptions) Regulations 2011
The Isle of Man Financial Services Authority has today issued a Consultation Paper (CP17-09/T10) to obtain views in relation to draft amendments to the Regulated Activities Order 2011 and the Financial Services (Exemptions) Regulations 2011. This consultation paper will be of particular interest to — Class 1 deposit takers participating in SEPA schemes; Class 2 (investment business) licenceholders advising on pension transfers, and pension providers transferring or... MoreClosed 6 October 2017 -
Smarter use of your data to improve Government services
This consultation is about developing Isle of Man Government policy on how we use data better than we do at the moment to improve the way services are provided and to help us to become more efficient. We're looking for views from members of the public on: · Principles for government use of data · Customer service benefits from improved use of data · Reducing Government requests for the same data Our proposal We want to make sure that... MoreClosed 6 October 2017 -
General Insurance Intermediaries Consultation Paper
The Isle of Man Financial Services Authority has today issued a consultation paper, CP17-07/T08, in respect of general insurance intermediation business. The paper builds on the feedback received in response to the Authority’s initial discussion paper on the work stream established to review developments in the supervision of general insurance intermediaries ('DP16-07'), and sets out in more detail proposals for changes to the Authority’s regulatory framework for general insurance... MoreClosed 6 October 2017 -
4th Quantitative Impact Study for Non-Life Insurers
The Isle of Man Financial Services Authority (“Authority”) has today issued a consultation paper, CP17-08/T09, which sets out the Authority’s current thinking in respect of the assessment of the capital adequacy of insurers and reinsurers undertaking non-life insurance business, including the valuation of the assets and liabilities for solvency purposes. Together with the accompanying Technical Specifications it sets out the approach which the Authority requires the Isle of Man’s... MoreClosed 31 October 2017 -
Corporate Governance Code of Practice for Insurers
The Isle of Man Financial Services Authority has today issued a consultation paper CP17-10/T11 in respect of the corporate governance of insurance companies. The paper sets out the Authority’s proposals to update its existing Corporate Governance Code of Practice for Regulated Insurance Entities (“CGC”) which was issued in 2010. The proposed updates are applicable to all insurers and the Authority welcomes feedback from interested parties. MoreClosed 17 November 2017 -
Civil Aviation (Charges) Scheme 2018
Amendments to the Scheme of Charges for the Isle of Man Aircraft Registry MoreClosed 21 November 2017 -
Major changes in the new Education Bill
The Education Act 2001 has been the primary legislation in education for the past 13 years. It was necessary to make changes in 2009 [Education (Mischellaneous Provisions) Act 2009] and now the Department of Education and Children believes the time is right to look at new legislation in some key areas. By considering a new Education Bill all areas of the present legislation will be considered. This consultation is about the policy principles that may be used as the basis for drafting the... MoreClosed 22 November 2017 -
Eye Care Strategy
Eye health is important as problems are a major cause of disability and affect people’s quality of life. Problems increase with age. It is important that problems are identified early and that people are aware of the importance of eye health. The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) spends more than twice as much on eye health as most areas in England, partly because of the need for people with rare conditions to travel off-Island for treatment. However, hospital waiting times at... MoreClosed 27 November 2017 -
Group supervision
The Isle of Man Financial Services Authority has today issued a consultation paper CP17-12/T13 in respect of proposed group supervision requirements for life insurance companies which belong to groups of which the Authority anticipates being the Group Supervisor. Although the paper is directly applicable to those companies, it may also be of general interest to all insurance companies which belong to groups and feedback is welcomed from any interested parties. MoreClosed 1 December 2017 -
Changing local government legislation
The Department of Infrastructure is proposing to introduce a Bill to facilitate the implementation of a number of recommendations of a Select Committee of Tynwald on Local Authorities: Members’ Interests. This would involve amending the Local Government Act 1985 ('1985 Act'). As part of this work the Department is also looking at updating the provisions of the 1985 Act relating to Joint Boards. The Department is taking this opportunity to address other known issues with local... MoreClosed 4 December 2017 -
Review of ISP Licences
This consultation is aimed at considering whether, and if so, how, the Communications Commission should review Internet Service Provider (ISP) licences. The Communications Commission would welcome views from the business community and in particular current and potential licensees. MoreClosed 11 December 2017 -
Pre-school and early years childcare and education survey
Through the Programme for Government 2016-2021 the Government has committed to: increase the coverage of pre-school education facilities across the island increase the hours available through the pre school credit scheme This survey is specifically designed for parents of children under 5 years of age. It aims to: gather views on how accessible and affordable pre-school and early years education and childcare is at present find out what the... MoreClosed 15 December 2017 -
Implementation of Policy on Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD)
BVD virus causes a complex of diseases in cattle, the most important of which can interfere with reproduction, affect the unborn calf and ultimately lead to fatal mucosal disease. BVD virus can also cause enteritis during transient infection, which is usually mild but is occasionally severe enough to cause death, even in adult cattle. Transient BVD virus infection is also associated with significant suppression of disease resistance, contributing to outbreaks of other disease such as... MoreClosed 29 December 2017 -
Merchant Shipping (Survey and Certification) Regulations 2018
This consultation paper sets out proposals to make new Regulations to give effect to the latest version of Chapter 1 to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). SOLAS is generally regarded as the most important of all international treaties concerning the safety of merchant ships and SOLAS Chapter 1 regulates the survey and certification of ships. This is fundamentally a legislation project to replace existing Regulations with a new set of Regulations containing... MoreClosed 29 December 2017 -
The Collection of Civil Debt (Phase 1)
The effectiveness of the current legislative and organisational framework in respect of the collection of debts on the Isle of Man has been the subject of periodic review over a number of years. Proposals and actions have covered a wide variety of areas but the Treasury has been unable to find a solution to the underlying issues which provides a more cost effective approach to debt collection for all parties involved. The revised approach now outlined within this consultation seeks to both... MoreClosed 5 January 2018 -
Regulatory Fees 2018
The Isle of Man Financial Services Authority has today published a Consultation Response (CR18-01/T14) following its recent consultation on proposed changes to regulatory fees from 1 April 2018. The response document provides a summary of responses to the consultation and outlines changes made and next steps. Subject to Treasury concurrence and consideration by Tynwald, the following legislation will commence on 1 April 2018: Collective Investment Schemes (Fees) Order 2018 ... MoreClosed 5 January 2018 -
Action plan to improve the planning system
The Isle of Man planning system like planning frameworks elsewhere around the British Isles, was designed and is operated to manage development, balancing sometimes competing interests. The broad aim is to develop the Island sustainably and one of the 20 outcomes in the Programme for Government 2016 - 2021 is to: Have a planning system which supports sustainable growth In recent months planning system issues have been highlighted in a review carried out by officers for the Council... MoreClosed 8 January 2018 -
Proposed changes to employed person’s allowance and proposed change to income support for lone parents
This consultation is about proposed changes to the entitlement criteria for the following income-related social security benefits: employed person’s allowance, and income support for lone parents MoreClosed 11 January 2018 -
Consumer Broadband Habits Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. The Communications Commission is gathering information on how Isle of Man consumers use their broadband subscriptions, whether this is a fixed or mobile broadband subscription, so that we can better understand what is important to you. Fixed broadband is where your router is connected to your internal wiring in your home and you need a landline connection (unless you are with Bluewave). Mobile broadband is... MoreClosed 15 January 2018 -
Local Government financial reporting requirements
To inform Local Government bodies and other interested stakeholders of the proposed introduction of new financial reporting requirements for the sector, and to seek the views of all stakeholders and to receive feedback on the proposals. MoreClosed 19 January 2018 -
Licensing of additional spectrum bands
The Communications Commission is proposing to award additional spectrum allocations to Bluewave, Manx Telecom and Sure in various bands 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz, 2.6GHz and 3.4GHz. MoreClosed 19 January 2018 -
Review of tourism legislation
The object of this consultation is to review the existing legislation relating to tourism in the Isle of Man and to seek views on possible changes to that legislation, with a view to providing an up-to-date code which will encourage and support the tourist industry as part of the modern economy of the Island. MoreClosed 26 January 2018 -
Conduct of Business Code for Non-Long Term Insurance
CP17-11/T01 sets out the Authority’s views on developing the Island’s existing regulatory framework to enhance the fair treatment of policyholders in relation to non-long term insurers through the issue of the draft Insurance (Conduct of Business) (Non-long Term Insurance) Code 2017 (“the Code”). The Code brings together the Authority’s work in this area and places conduct of business requirements on authorised insurers effecting non-long term contracts of insurance with third... MoreClosed 2 February 2018 -
Anti-money laundering and other financial crime (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2017
This consultation is about proposed changes to anti-money laundering and other financial crime legislation. The proposed Bill seeks to introduce new anti-money laundering requirements relating to unregulated trustees, foundations and other matters. These amendments are being proposed principally in response to recommendations made by MONEYVAL, which undertook an international assessment of the Isle of Man in 2016. The changes deal with: Unregulated IOM trustees and foreign... MoreClosed 5 February 2018 -
Proposed changes to the Building Regulations
The Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture is reviewing the content of the Building Regulations in order to focus on matters concerning energy efficiency and also proposing updates to reflect changes to building practices. The proposed amendments are to help achieve the requirements set out in the Programme for Government 2016 – 2021 and the Climate Challenge Mitigation Strategy 2016-2020. The suggested changes include increased air tightness requirements and the provision of... MoreClosed 16 February 2018 -
Insurance (Long-Term Business Valuation and Solvency) Regulations 2018
Consultation paper CP17-15/T12 sets out new valuation and solvency regulations for insurers authorised to carry on long-term insurance business. The Insurance (Long-Term Business Valuation and Solvency) Regulations 2018 will replace the Insurance (Valuation of Long Term Liabilities) Regulations 2007. MoreClosed 16 February 2018 -
Insurance Regulations 2018
Consultation paper CP17-14/T15 concerns new Insurance Regulations which will apply to all authorised insurers and permit holders. The Insurance Regulations 2018 will replace the Insurance Regulations 1986 and the Insurance (Supplementary Information) Regulations 2016. The main purpose of the new regulations is to set out new and updated regulatory reporting requirements for all insurers authorised to carry on long-term insurance business in or from the Island, and regulatory reporting... MoreClosed 16 February 2018 -
Amendments to access and eligibility criteria for public sector housing
The consultation is about the access and eligibility criteria for general needs public sector housing which were introduced in 2002. In line with the recent updating of Older Persons (Sheltered) criteria in 2016, the timing is right for a review such that: We can continue to have 'affordable and accessible housing which meets our social and economic needs.' MoreClosed 18 February 2018
382 results.
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